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Last Post 2/28/2007 3:51 AM by  Mark H
I guess this is a plug, so..calling all you kind, intelligent, considerate Claus readers!
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Mark H
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2/21/2007 4:24 AM
    Thought that might grab your attention..in case you haven't guessed by now, I'm looking for a bit of a favour. I'm not a regular poster (alright, in fact I've only done it once ever about 4 years ago) but I do enjoy regularly reading the fine discourse amongst the erudite discussion board contributors (see! I'm doing it again!)

    Ok. Enough of that, here's the deal. Basically, last Friday I reached the final of a radio competition on Phantom FM to win a trip to the Sonar festival in Spain. I had hoped that the final would involve a straight-forward music quiz or something similar...unfortunately, instead it's turned out to be one of those diabolical 'Please everybody VOTE FOR ME!' scenarios. I'd considered replying back to say just forget about it, but then thought, if I'm in with a chance, might aswell have a go.

    So if you would be so kind, the details of what to do are at this link - http://www.phantom.fm/content/view/169/108/

    In brief, what's needed is to send a text message on a mobile phone as follows, anytime up to noon this Friday 23rd February:

    Earth + Your name to (083) 3111052
    e.g: Earth Joe Bloggs

    It's not a premium number or anything like that, Texts are charged at standard operator rates. If you are registered online with your mobile operator, you should be able to send a free webtext which will do just fine. Only one text per phone is required, otherwise multiple votes will be deleted. And that's the regular Phantom number so you shouldn't start getting back junk texts or whatever.

    I did my spiel on the radio last Monday night + have a recording, you might be able to hear it by copying this link into your browser, sound quality is a bit dodgy but hey.


    Obviously, if by some extreme good luck I actually win the thing, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to bring all 17 people who voted for me along for the trip (!!), but you'd certainly be in my thoughts as I head away!
    If you feel inclined to send this onto other people, I'd appreciate it for sure. Alternatively, if you've got this far and are still wondering "what on earth is all this ridiculous rubbish about?", then, I apologise profusely for annoying you!

    Thanks very much.
    Mark H
    New Member
    New Member

    2/21/2007 4:40 AM
    AAAGH..just spotted my typo when I read it back..that should be CLUAS readers of course.
    Mark H
    New Member
    New Member

    2/28/2007 3:51 AM
    Hey there,
    Just an update on this, I actually won the competition in the end, so if anyone from here happened to send a text, thanks a lot!
    Good luck.
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