This a.m. I published 6 new album reviews. By the afternoon all 6 of them have been picked up by the Google 'news' search ( This is the part of the google search engine that presents results from News outlets around the world (such the NY Times, the FT, CNN, RTE, BBC, Time magazine, etc). Well now it is presenting the most recent CLUAS pages in Google "news search" result pages - to see what I mean visit the Google news search engine via the link above and search for 'Mighty Stef'. What do you see near the top of the results? Yeah, that's right, the CLUAS reivew of Mighty Stef's album published this a.m. In addition to attracting new traffic to our site, this is a nice bit of recognition shows that what we are doing is good - not every site is 'indexed' by Google for their "News" engine.