Seems OK, nothing that has any real "wow" factor. I mean you've got iTunes on your phone, big deal, all you really want to do is play MP3s and lot of phones can do that already. At €249 for a prepay phone it's not cheap. The one thing they have got right is fitting removeable flash memory so you can pop in a bigger one later when the price of memory drops. I've always liked Motorolas as phones in themselves, better reception and sound quality over the equivalent Nokia I've found. If you're upgrading your phone and your phone company have an offer on, go for it, but I wouldn't rush out and pay full price for one. For the moment, unless you really, really cannot bear to carry around two devices, you're probably still better just getting a medium range phone for bout €80 and spending the rest on a 1GB MP3 player. Eventually you will have a definitive MP3 Player/PDA/Phone/Camera/Coffee Maker on the market with cool features like a flexible roll out screen that does everything brilliantly, but it will be made by some anonymous south east asian electronics company for peanuts and won't have all this gimmicky proprietary crap like iTunes, just simple drag and drop PC compatability.