I am a female singer, wanting to sing. I'm also a trad/Classical musician. I am very flexible (vocally) from simple singer song writing (something like David Kitt or Damien Rice) to Jazz, Trad Rock, Sean os, Classical. I have sung professionally but I want to create a new sound or work along with a band throughout the creative process. I'm keen to go down the Alternative Rock route. Bands I like: Radiohead, The Smiths, Mundy, David Kitt, Mic Christopher, Bloc Party, The Toots, Dervish, Smashing Pumpkins, the list goes on. If you'r interested, my e-mail is: nudge_nules@hotmail.com
My Number is: +447814149431 (Get me at the weekend)
I take my music seriously and work hard on it. I've worked with bands before and I'm sound as a pound.