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Last Post 7/14/2003 4:45 PM by  Human Being
Looking for a glam rock band
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Human Being
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7/14/2003 4:45 PM
    !!!I`m 24-years old guitarist from Helsinki, Finland,looking for a genuine glam rock band with the worldwide,intelligent,individual,new and fresh attitude.I`m gonna find the members who want to promote good things(love,freedom,joy etc.)in the world and take the band as their life`s work.I`m capable and willing to live anywhere where it`s reasonable.Some of my influences are: G N`R,New York Dolls,The Lords,Hanoi Rocks,Queen,A.Cooper,D. Bowie,Meat Loaf,Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi...So the meaning of my life is to Love, Rock N` Roll and have fun. Feel free to take contact:humanbeing@jippii.fi
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