trevradiatorBasic Member Posts:343
1/16/2006 2:09 PM |
well knowing the genius within every one of these acts,you would have to be the victim of a severe bout of stupidity not to get down to EAMONN DORANS tomorrow night!TUES 17TH JAN
yes due to some scangers thieving vinny thing's laptop and ipod a few smashing people decided to hold a fundraiser for the cheeky chappy. Under the monicker of UNITED ARTISTS AGAINST COMMON THIEVERY,this night will be unforgettable. The line up so far includes HUMANZI,THE MIGHTY STEF,ZEALOTS and BAND ON AN ISLAND. DJ'S include TREV RADIATOR,THE LEATHER GIRLS and im sure a few more heads will jump in2 the box and spin a few.Also remember gang it's 3eu every drink after 10:30...doors 8pm adm:8eu.....
trevradiatorBasic Member Posts:343
1/16/2006 6:59 PM |
ok this is the deal,one of the lads from humanzi has fallen ill,so just to give you heads up they are not 100% on for playing tomorrow but at the same time they are not 100% cancelled so just let me keep you posted....anyway even without the lads it's a top line up
DamienBasic Member Posts:316
1/16/2006 11:00 PM |
I'll be there either way, but is it still 3 quid a booze?
trevradiatorBasic Member Posts:343
1/17/2006 1:27 PM |
tis 3eu a drink after 10:30 as it said on the original post!
DamienBasic Member Posts:316
1/17/2006 1:31 PM |
Don't patronise me with your fancy book learning.
1/17/2006 5:08 PM |
What if I don't like Vinny but really want to go to the gig? Can I donate my 8 euro to the charity of my choice? I'd like to put my money towards repairing Stefs wooden leg.
Mr Johnny BossNew Member Posts:7
1/18/2006 12:10 PM |
Thanks for everyone that turned out last night, im nearly back online as we speak. For those of you that were not present I dressed up as an Indie trocaire box. It was the best crowd in Doran’s since Mark Fowlers aids doo..