eddiesheridanBasic Member Posts:169
8/12/2005 5:37 PM |
Alfie release their new album‘ Crying at Teatime’ on Regal/Parlophone, here in Ireland on the 15th of August and CPU are proud to announce that we will host the Irish leg of the tour.
Dates are: Friday 16th September - Temple Bar Music Centre
Saturday 17th September - Eddie Murphys - Thomastown
Sunday 18th September - Cypress Avenue - Cork
Tickets available from Ticketmaster €15 plus booking fee.
visit: www.cpu.ie
GarVeteran Member Posts:1676
8/12/2005 11:55 PM |
Good stuff....long time since I heard anything from this band.
eddiesheridanBasic Member Posts:169
8/14/2005 5:43 PM |
You can listen to some the bands songs at http://artists.cpu.ie/bands/714/
LooseFirNew Member Posts:45
8/15/2005 8:55 AM |
Excellent news, i've waited ages for them to play here, anyone heard the new album? It got 4 out of ten in hot press i think and said they were average, stupidest thing i ever read, i then brought the magazine outside and let my dog p*ss all over it, which is more than it deserves
GarVeteran Member Posts:1676
8/16/2005 2:50 PM |
I quite like the new album 'Crying At TeaTime', a good follow-up to 'Do You Imagine Things?'
eddiesheridanBasic Member Posts:169
eddiesheridanBasic Member Posts:169
9/2/2005 5:33 PM |
Eyebrowy are treating us to an exclusive showing their latest animation. For those of you unfamiliar with their work, visit www.eyebrowy.com
eddiesheridanBasic Member Posts:169
9/14/2005 9:05 PM |
The gig is this friday and you can read Alfies interview with Connected magazine at http://www.cpu.ie/modules/news/article.php?storyid=945