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Last Post 8/11/2005 7:41 PM by  temporary
Get Texting! More Acts announced
 4 Replies
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8/11/2005 7:41 PM
    John Spillane & Tadhg Cooke have both kindly agreed to give their time for this gig 66e confirmed for Olympia Niger Concert Jove, The Rags & Dave's Radio join Line up. We're waiting to confirm bigger acts but will do so here first as soon as we hear. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey all We're all familiar with the Niger Region of Africa at this stage. I saw a documentary on RTE2 three weeks ago, the report echoed the one sent by Michael Burke in 1984 which led to the Live Aid gig set up by Messr Geldoff. This is not on the scale of that but financially it could be massive. So I had a rant to myself and decided to set this up. This is where you come in. Here's the plan: On Wednesday 28th September, acts will take to the stage to perform for about 15 to 20 minutes each. There could be anything up to 15 acts, we're currently trying to nail down and blackmail people into availability!!!.... so as soon as we do, I will announce the line up here on this thread. Its a NON TICKET gig. A text number has been set up which is displayed at the bottom of the screen. When you text this number, you make a 2 EURO donation to CONCERN. We are attempting to get over 125,000 people to text and thus raise a quarter of a million. This has the potential to get bigger then that but right now, that would make us, Concern and Niger really happy. It's not going to change to world, but it sure as hell will make a difference. Two weeks before the gig, a computer will go... "DOOOO DOOOO DOOOO DOOOO" and select 800 names who will each receive 2 x tickets for the night. What we need from you when you text is the following Text the word AFRICA to 57143 followed by your name and a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS that you check regularly. This is very important. You will receive a text back thanking you for your donation and there is NO charge for this. You will be contacted via email if you have been selected for a ticket Now, this i need to inform you of. The text message will cost you 5 euro. The Phone companies, despite requests and warnings that they may have to take serious flak on this, will not lower their charges. So the breakdown of that 5 euro is as follows: We want you to know where this money is going: Text Message Breakdown 2 Euro Concern 2 Euro to your phone operator 0.87 Government Tax 0.13 to Number Provider (Flycell dropped ALL their profits on this and are only covering costs) Total 5 Euro. So it's totally up to you guys as to whether you want to text this. The people of Niger need this money, unfortunately, the operator wont lower charges. I wish I could change it, I can't. But when we are talking to the Media we will let them know of the breakdown. So, off you go, 57143 & lets make this a brilliant night and I wish you all luck in getting selected for tickets and please make sure your available on the night, if not let us know and we can pass on your tickets to someone else, and thank you for your support. Who we are etc and line up will be posted soon. Cheers guys
    New Member
    New Member

    8/15/2005 11:47 PM
    Hey man, TKO Would be interested in this gig if there are slots! Our website is www.tkohq.com Email info@tkohq.com Hope to hear from ya! TKO
    New Member
    New Member

    8/17/2005 6:35 PM
    Hello, Kill City Defectors would also be really interested in playing if there are any support slots available. killcitydefectors@hotmail www.killcitydefectors.com Good luck, Thanks, K.C.D.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    8/17/2005 7:13 PM
    putting andalusia forward for this great cause too. Check the guys out www.andalusiahq.com and for a better look if you still haven't made your decision check them out at HWCH.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    8/23/2005 1:00 AM
    great line up so far... and great cause. fair play to the organisers!
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