3/31/2005 4:31 PM |
THE THINGS play live this friday 1st April @ Axs Mundi in Waterford city support on the night comes from Gorbachov.
more in on live dates @ www.thethings.net
bonzoBasic Member Posts:364
4/1/2005 12:54 PM |
Must say saw them last week in the Village - huge disappointment. While he jumps around a lot and wears make up the lead singer is awful. Am I missing something or are the Things about noise and not music?
However, another band who played on the same night - the Subways - quality.
Crafty BinmanNew Member Posts:11
4/1/2005 3:14 PM |
Not a great gig alright due to disgraceful sound because of the lack of a soundcheck. The Things supported The Subways in Cork the following night and it was a blinder.
GarVeteran Member Posts:1676
4/1/2005 3:29 PM |
I heard of The Subways a few months ago and was blown away by them. Hope to catch them live soon and hear the album, even if it is stolen. Saw The Things live once and was really impressed, a rockin set.
dirtypropagandaBasic Member Posts:183
4/3/2005 8:42 PM |
i seen the subways in liverpool a couple of months back. i didnt like them at all. the band that were on before them 'the mystery jets' were amazing. id never heard or heard of them before..but they are amazing. they contain a father and son in the group.
went to waterford with the things for this gig. they put on a great show. waterford is a very wierd place for reasons im not gonna go into right now. everytime i or any of my pals play there something goes drastically wrong.
4/5/2005 4:33 PM |
For those of you's who like or dislike us we are playing thurs 14th in Maynooth College, Fri 15th Trinity rooms Limerick and Sunday 17th in Eamonn Dorans at Psychotic Reaction #9.
Psychotic Reaction#9
The Things
Stagger Lee
Bastered Sons of Boris Karloff
Dj's, Shaun Humanzi, Jolene and Psychotic Reaction Dj's
8pm to 3am