CarlsbergBasic Member Posts:215
10/19/2004 12:53 PM |
jove showcase gig tuesday 26th october 2004, 20:30hrs
crawdaddy, the pod, harcourt street, dublin 2
You and your guests are invited to Crawdaddy next Tuesday night to see jove perform for the international music industry. A & R and other music industry decision makers will be attending from USA, UK & Ireland and mainland Europe in what promises to be a great night.
jove is a six piece Dublin band who came together in September 2003. Their music has been described as blend of radiohead /muse/jeff buckley but their own original and alternative style is unmistakable.
As you are probably aware jove have been exciting the music industry throughout the the northern hemisphere this year but this is the first time they will officially play for the industry and why there is so much interest in next Tuesdays gig.
Admission on the door is Euro 8, however admission is free for you & one guest if you e-mail Via email response, you will receive your invite. There are 10 available. Do come early as a special performance will be provided by Paul Casey, a renowned slide and blue guitarist who numbers among his active fans Dave Matthews (Dave Matthews Band) and Chris Rea.
This Showcase is supported by Jewel DC Publishing and B612 Management, Berlin, Germany
10/19/2004 6:36 PM |
Hope there is free drink as well, as it sounds like rent a crowd to me.
Thought all this nonsense of showcase gigs ended years ago.
10/19/2004 10:21 PM |
How that sound like a rent - a - crowd herbie??? Its a free gig with the email and sounds like alot happening... support Irish bands, dont knock them with cynicism.
Go to things like this and then decide.
I have worked to long in this industry to see replies like that and please dont get offended by it, we need to stop knocking people who make an effort.
Anyone else have a view? Am i wrong or am i being fair?
10/20/2004 12:31 AM |
quote: Originally posted by kerb
Anyone else have a view?
why support a band just because they are irsh?
10/20/2004 12:45 AM |
Originally posted by Tilda
why support a band just because they are irish?
Ok Tilda, point taken. I mean it looks like something is happening for this band from the post above. I know them well as a group but dont know them as people so am trying to speak as an outsider.. My point was this to "herbie". Go up there and see the gig and make your own mind up but dont sit down in front of a computer and knock it with comments like.. "sounds like a rent a crowd". And we should support the Irish music scene more. There are super bands out there at the moment. And if you do already then fair play.
thethirdplaceNew Member Posts:72
10/20/2004 1:14 AM |
anyone with me or getting similar feelin I am? The above will be a good night. Jove are super band...
Interesting still though!!!
karlvinNew Member Posts:97
10/20/2004 10:18 AM |
I'm not sure I see what the problem is , someone comes on the board and offers 10 free tickest to a gig for you and a friend and people give out ??
10/20/2004 11:44 AM |
i've no problem with that at all i think fair play to anyone offering freebies to anything
dont agree with the whole support a band just becaus ethey're irish though. in fact it annoys me. suppor ta band becaus eyou enjoy their music not because they're from a certain place.
and kerb, carlsberg, its glaringly obvious that you are the same poster. it doesnt emphasise your points more having two usernames.
vandalaBasic Member Posts:267
10/20/2004 11:49 AM |
"Their music has been described as blend of radiohead /muse/jeff buckley but their own original and alternative style is unmistakable".
Would one then be correct in assuming that Jove are the "fast rising, powerful & ambitious Irish band" who will play the Olympia in early 2005?
CarlsbergBasic Member Posts:215
10/20/2004 10:22 PM |
Conspiracy theories or what!!! I have to answser 2 posts! One in the Soap Box as that is a discussion and the other above as it is a gig and i was not aware that gig posters got this much coverage or replies even. can everyone just chill out please!! We're all music fans here but the rage in the room seems to be pretty heated! Number 1: TILDA: Kerb and I are NOT NOT the same person at all. However we have spoken in light of my poster concerning the Olympia. Kerb works in A&R and has been very vocal on the idea and has given great support to the plan, that is all... I am not that sad nor does the world need a second carlsberg! KARLVIN: Thats exactly what it is, 10 tickets, bring a mate and see a great band. VANDALA: In the nicest way possible, "no comment" xx. Now can we all get on please!!