Hey all.
Were trying to make a new world record by seeing how many people you can fit into dorans

no seriously a bunch of us have got together ie. (Itchy Trigger Finger, MCBane, The Flares and Bunny) to put on an out and out rock gig.
Our little shinDig is on in.....
Eamon Doran's on Mon 27th Sept.
Adm is €5 and doors open at 7:30pm
We have decided that the running order will not be done out untill the night and we'll just pick names out of a hat so you better come early or you could miss some great acts (not that all the acts are great but you know what i mean)
If you want to find out more about each act you know what to do
www.theflares.net www.bunny.ie www.geocities.com/mcbanemusic www.itfrock.com
Everyone involved has been busting there balls promoting and getting things organised so hopefully it will be a good night.
C u there.