trevradiatorBasic Member Posts:343
7/14/2004 1:20 PM |
eamonn dorans are delighted to host the raveonettes here on wed 28th july as part of the budrising festival, support on the night comes from the mighty stef and relica...admission etc, times etc, will be confirmed asap
Duff_manNew Member Posts:18
7/15/2004 9:58 AM |
Trev you idiot
trevradiatorBasic Member Posts:343
7/15/2004 3:28 PM |
ah the genius strikes again, hope to see you down at the raveonettes anyway,the more the merrier,regardless of their limited intellect
Duff_manNew Member Posts:18
7/19/2004 2:22 PM |
Shut up Trev I'am very intelectable
trevradiatorBasic Member Posts:343
7/19/2004 2:29 PM |
well firstly there was no need for the apostrophe after i and before am, you should have said i'm very, and secondly, probably your biggest downfall, you meant to say intellectual not intelectable. well done again mate, proving you're a real force to be rackoned with
trevradiatorBasic Member Posts:343
7/19/2004 2:32 PM |
i meant reckoned with!ps:i think the raveonettes could well be free in, though don't quote me on that til it's confimed later today...don't forget andalusia,the ravines,nippons and optic down here this friday, followed by the leather girls dj'ing. check out their new website on
Duff_manNew Member Posts:18
7/19/2004 2:37 PM |
I know what I meant to say and it was intelectable!
Duff_manNew Member Posts:18
7/19/2004 2:40 PM |
Ah! Trev, you're a great bloke!
trevradiatorBasic Member Posts:343
7/19/2004 3:06 PM |
no you are