Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
2/20/2004 11:18 AM |
did anyone see the urges at the temple bar music centre last night?
they were class
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
2/20/2004 11:54 AM |
Yeah, caught most of the gig last night
Pretty good alright.. The things were impressive as usual
A lot of similar styled music being played.
pablohoney New Member Posts:33  
2/20/2004 1:45 PM |
hey i missed the urges have seen them b4 tho, they're alright not really anything special
i was workin so jst made it in to see the drummer out of rulers of the planet get a bottle f**ked at his head-bad buzz!! any ideas whodunnit?
the things were amazing i thought, that lead singer is just so good at what he does, the crowd seemed really up for it last nite
great nite overall-more free gigs please!
2/20/2004 6:53 PM |
the urges were my favourite act of the night by a mile, brilliant stuff!!! andalusia were pretty good too. the whole bottle incident spoiled the night a bit think a good few people left after that some drunk girl threw the bottle. the rulers of the planet were acting like dickheads but didnt deserve that.
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
2/20/2004 10:03 PM |
just heard that the urges got signed last night, so fair f**ks to them if its true
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
2/21/2004 7:37 PM |
i was downstairs when the guy from rulers of the planet came down all cut up to bits i was pretty horrified to see it. but then i found out that he the band had been abusing the crowd on the basis that they are from dublin. f**k them. if some drunk bird didint do it while they were onstage then somebody else would have at closer range if they were acting like such pricks. at least this way they got a bit of publicity out of it...i mean im not all bout peolpe getting hurt but if you abuse people yoy run that risk dont ya.
i didnt see the urges on thursday but im a big fan of them, ive seen them a few times before. they have a really definate sound, they look great whils making it and they are a top bunch of lads. if there is any truth in the rumour that there are record companies chasin them then im f**kin delighted.
the only act i managed to see was the things and it was great to see them in front of such a willing crowd who were gettin into it..they put on their usual powerhouse performance. i think its a great idea to put on free gigs of that magnitude every so often. the music centre is a great place when its backed and buzzing but pretty depressing when its not.
2/22/2004 12:07 AM |
just heard off somebody who knows one of the lads in the urges that island records are sending them to london and paying for them to record a demo. i can certainly see them making it they have the whole package.
as for the rulers of the planet they are a bunch of wimps! nobody deserved to be hurt but they were looking for a reaction from the crowd with their "dublin scum" comments and when they got a reaction they reverted to "we were only having a laugh and you took it to far" BOLLOCKS! if theyr in a punk band and acting like a punk band they should expect it, they had a plan to try and portraye a certain image for themselves and it completely backfired and everyone saw that they are nothin but a bunch of fakes. as for getting publicity, i will be avoiding seeing them live again at all costs and everyone else ive talked to has said the same thing
great night overall, i heard whelan's was empty, free gigs are the way forward! especially when such quality acts are playing. the urges, the things, andalusia, stanley super 800 and the chakras were all brillaint!
2/22/2004 12:30 AM |
That cork band were a fookin embarrassment, fookin fakers! Wot do they expect when they were actin like they were the other nite?? Somethin like the bottlin incident was bound 2 happen especially when ur shoutin things like "yuppies" and "ur only here cus its free like"! Fair play 2 that bird 4 throwin the bottle, she had more balls than any of the dopes from that band! Those c**ts need a good kickin....... and a fookin music lesson! Fookin langers!! I wudnt have minded if they were any use but they were crap! The urges were good, the things look great but their songs arent up 2 scratch if ya ask me!
TankGirl New Member Posts:2  
2/24/2004 2:59 PM |
Hello intelligent levelheaded thinkers,
having been at the gig I am surprised at this vitriolic dirge being levelled at the Rulerz.
Most of the crowd were as pissed off by the braindead behaviour from the happy couple in the corner, as somebody else got injured by one of their drink holders getting thrown at the drummer who, despite bleeding profusely finished the song before pointing out that he had been hit. f**kin Star. And they were as good as any of the bands I heard that night. Friday found me at a gig by Daniel Kitson at whelans, who freely admitted that despite calling the audience a bunch of c***s at least 5 times, he was loudly applauded and not bottled off as would seem to have been the correct procedure according to some of you inbreds- you know who you are, even if your father doesnt.
pablohoney New Member Posts:33  
2/24/2004 4:03 PM |
yeah i agree with tankgirl for the most part cos i dont think u are all inbred w**kers
however the lead singer of rulers of the planet was only havin a buzz and callin us freebies, which we were!
the drummer was just sittin at the back drummin away and definitely didnt deserve a bottle to the head and shame on anyone who thinks he did!
2/24/2004 5:19 PM |
Check out new look Things site at
2/24/2004 11:14 PM |
its all just a bit of rock n roll , no need for anyone to slag off anyone.
2/25/2004 4:00 PM |
quote: Originally posted by TankGirl
Friday found me at a gig by Daniel Kitson at whelans, who freely admitted that despite calling the audience a bunch of c***s at least 5 times, he was loudly applauded and not bottled off as would seem to have been the correct procedure according to some of you inbreds- you know who you are, even if your father doesnt.
Slightly different when its a comedian!
3/1/2004 6:07 PM |