Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
11/18/2003 11:05 AM |
Anyone see Dylan in the Point last night?? I am a Dylan fan but have to say it was pretty brutal. His band are really tight but he was very disapointing. His voice sounded like someone using a voice box. He also played piano all night, no acoustic stuff at all. I suppose the real problem is his tendancy to re-arrange the music so it is unrecognisable from the original. This is fine except when your voice is gone and nobody can make them out from the lyrics. Not a patch on his show in the Point two years ago. I also got a real kick out of the review in the Independent today, describing his voice as a "rich, life filled growl". yeah, right...
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
11/18/2003 5:14 PM |
I wasnt there, but i see that his millstreet gig has been
cancelled because he is suffering from severe viral laryngitis.
I suppose that would have effected his performance.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
11/18/2003 5:26 PM |
Saw that alright - explains the awful performance. I wish he had cancelled the Dublin gig and saved me 50 euro.
As for this chump in the Sindo, I bet he wishes he'd left out this observation
"Throw into the mix a smattering of Tin Pan Alley and a voice that has grown from its one-time, youthful, nasal twang into something approaching a rich, life-filled growl. "
11/27/2003 12:47 PM |
Hardy har, what a laugh.
"Rich, Life-filled growl"
And it turns out he's suffering from severe viral laryngitis. Bet that Independant guy feels like a right tit now!
Oh bless those CLUAS writers, they keep it so real.
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
12/4/2003 9:48 AM |
CLUAS writers keeping it real? Well make your own mind up with the review (by Brian Farrelly) of Dylan's recent Point Depot gig that sparked such pointed discussion above. I posted it to the site last night. Check it out here: