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4 Replies and 17445 Views Welcome to the new look CLUAS!    17445  4 Started by  eoghan This new look has been in the pipeline for a long time (way, too long, should have been done years ago, anyways I digress....). Late or not, here it is. But it's not just a new look. We have also launched CLUAS social networking - à la MySpace and Facebook - for all CLUAS members. To see it in action you should log in and visit this page to see your own profile page. You can update it yourself (just click 'Edit Profile'). I recommend you add in a quick biography, upload a photo and then go a...
4 17445
by  eoghanJump to last post
2/25/2009 6:25 AM
0 Replies and 4168 Views CLUAS - full site is working again  4168  0 Started by  admin If anytime between Monday and Wednesday this week you tried to visit the blogs, discussion or (recent) album reviews sections on the CLUAS site you would have been met with a message that those sections were temporarily disabled (all other sections including the home page and end of year poll were not effected). This has all now been sorted since late last night. The problem was that on Sunday I upgraded the site to the latest version of the technology that runs these parts of the sites u...
0 4168
11/29/2007 6:40 AM
0 Replies and 3349 Views How to post YouTube videos  3349  0 Started by  host How to embed a YouTube video into a CLUAS discussion board thread:Go to YouTube page that has the video you want to put on the CLUAS discussion boardOn this page, to the right of the video, you will see the word 'Embed' and beside it a line of code.Copy and paste this line of code into into the discussion board posting you want to add the video to.Once you hit the 'submit' button on the discussion board your chosen YouTube video will be embedded within your discussion board posting.
0 3349
7/31/2007 2:25 AM
0 Replies and 3005 Views Album reviews on CLUAS: an upgrade  3005  0 Started by  admin I last night implemented some (long awaited) changes to how album reviews are published on CLUAS. As of last night readers will be able to: -> Add comments to all new album reviews published on CLUAS, and also -> Subscribe to an RSS feed for the album review section. The RSS feed possibility is particularly interesting. By subscribing to the CLUAS RSS feed you will be able to keep track of the latest album reviews published on CLUAS from the comfor...
0 3005
7/18/2007 1:25 AM
3 Replies and 4249 Views CLUAS. Blogs. Are. Launched.  4249  3 Started by  admin They have been ages in the pipeline but - finally - they are live. The first 4 CLUAS blogs, that is. Check them out here: Beijing Beat (Mark Godfrey in Beijing) French Letter (Aidan Curran in Paris) Sound Waves (Jules Jackson exploring music & surfing) Short Cuts (Stephen McNulty in Sydney) All comments and suggestions welcome, nay, sought after. Check out the new look that is being trialled (and wil...
3 4249
by  adminJump to last post
4/6/2007 3:59 AM
0 Replies and 3310 Views CLUAS discussion board working again  3310  0 Started by  host There was a problem with the web server that the CLUAS discussion board is hosted on these last 24 hours and it was not possible to log in and post new messages to it. This has now been fixed. Apologies for the inconvenience caused. Eoghan
0 3310
3/26/2007 6:15 AM
0 Replies and 2984 Views Problem with CLUAS server fixed.  2984  0 Started by  admin If anyone tried to access the CLUAS discussion board between 10pm last night and about midday today you would have got an error. This has now been fixed. It took so long as the solution was to migrate the entire site to a new server (a task our hosting company did it beautifully, or something like that). Apologies for the inconvenience. If anyone is still having any problems, let me know. Cheers. eoghan
0 2984
2/27/2007 8:34 AM
5 Replies and 4492 Views Technology Upgrade to CLUAS  4492  5 Started by  admin I last night sucessfully upgraded CLUAS to the latest version of the technolgy the site uses for managing the site (v4.4.1 of DotNetNuke). This new version has a number of improvements, the most important being performance - in a nutshell vistors should find that the site (especially the Discussion board) now loads much more quiclky. There are a few cosmetic tweaks necessary to the site following the upgarde, but I'll deal with them tonight. Anybody seeing a different in response times / load ti...
5 4492
by  ArchieJump to last post
2/15/2007 2:02 PM
0 Replies and 3083 Views CLUAS Indie Music Search Engine  3083  0 Started by  admin CLUAS has set out to build the world's most comprehensive indie music search engine. We are using 'Custom Search Engine' service provided by Google to build this search engine and CLUAS writers have already selected over a hundred different websites to be included in searches performed by this search engine. We are now inviting anyone to help identify sites that should be included. If you want to volunteer just follow the steps on this page. Maybe you'd like add in the site of yo...
0 3083
2/1/2007 2:09 AM
0 Replies and 3053 Views CLUAS gig reviews get featured in Google News  3053  0 Started by  admin Back in October Google started to feature CLUAS album reviews in its (very selective) Google News search engine (http://news.google.com). A sound endorsement of what the writers are generating, etc, etc. I was pleased therefore to see that yesterday CLUAS gig reviews started to get featured in Google News. The first two CLUAS gig reviews to be featured by Google News search results are the Flaming Lips and Gang of Four reviews. Check out the following pages to see the articles in Google News ser...
0 3053
12/20/2006 9:41 AM
8 Replies and 5007 Views The new board - Read this first!  5007  8 Started by  admin At last here it is. It's not quite fully perfect, but it is certainly good enough to roll out. If you were a registerd user of the previous version of the CLUAS discussion forum then your full profile has been successfully migrated to this new board. You can log in with your old name BUT NOT WITH YOUR OLD PASSWORD!!! To get your new password do the following: -> Click the new 'Login' link up there on the top right hand side. -> You will be brought to the login page. Do NOT yet try and login. -> ...
8 5007
by  AllyJump to last post
11/29/2006 9:20 AM
1 Replies and 4468 Views Improvements to the Forum  4468  1 Started by  admin Since launch of this forum users have identified some issues, all of which I have looked into. The following is list of improvements made so far to address the issues: A new 'editor box' for adding new replies / topics has been installed. The old editor box had loads of options for formatting posts but this sophisticted editor caused compatibility issues with some browsers so I have introduced a very simple box. The good news is that this should eliminate stability issues some users (especially ...
1 4468
by  adminJump to last post
11/22/2006 5:01 AM
15 Replies and 7561 Views problems viewing the site on Mac with IE5  7561  15 Started by  Una i've having major problems viewing the site - the framing is all over the place for me and icons dissapear when I scroll over them
15 7561
by  diego_maradonaJump to last post
11/17/2006 6:41 AM
0 Replies and 3341 Views CLUAS gets into Google News engine  3341  0 Started by  admin This a.m. I published 6 new album reviews. By the afternoon all 6 of them have been picked up by the Google 'news' search (http://news.google.com). This is the part of the google search engine that presents results from News outlets around the world (such the NY Times, the FT, CNN, RTE, BBC, Time magazine, etc). Well now it is presenting the most recent CLUAS pages in Google 'news search' result pages - to see what I mean visit the Google news search engine via the link above and search for 'Mig...
0 3341
11/15/2006 4:34 PM
0 Replies and 3123 Views New forum for discussing gigs  3123  0 Started by  admin This is a new forum for discussions of gigs you've been too. Next week I will move to this new forum various discussions of 'last night's gig' that have taken place over the years in the Soap Box. Just a bit of housekeeping. Eoghan
0 3123
11/10/2006 11:39 PM
2 Replies and 3474 Views Moving CLUAS to a new web server...  3474  2 Started by  admin In the last two days I (successfully) migrated the whole CLUAS site to a new hosting company. This will have resulted in some possilby funny (but uncritical) site behaviour for some people when visiting the site in the 36 or so hours. But things should be settled down by tonight for everyone (Friday May 19). So why is it not settled down before now you may ask. It's to do with 'DNS propogation' taking 24-48 hours to be completed. Want to know what that means in more detail Then check this out: ...
2 3474
5/19/2006 9:48 AM
13 Replies and 3953 Views Cluas on MySpace  3953  13 Started by  admin <Cue ecstatically atmospheric drum roll> Today CLUAS launches its MySpace page... at www.myspace.com/cluas !!!!! </Cue ecstatically atmospheric drum roll> Yes folks, even though we’re about 5 years after everyone else, we've finally gotten around to hitching a ride with MySpace. On our MySpace page we are - among other things - presenting each month 4 acts on the Irish scene who have been found guilty of creating exciting music, as judged by our writers. For each act of the ...
13 3953
5/8/2006 1:34 PM
8 Replies and 3379 Views New Moderator - MACgirl  3379  8 Started by  admin Yip, the moderating team grows once again, this time MACgirl has kindly agreed to step up and be one of the moderators (and finally we've got some female representation on the Moderating team). MACgirl has been a member of the board for the last two years and has been writing regularly for the site for many, many more years than that (to date she has had about 30 articles published on the site). So all hail MACgirl. eoghan
8 3379
4/21/2006 9:29 AM
1 Replies and 3077 Views CLUAS server back in action (part II)  3077  1 Started by  admin Apologies for those who tried to access the CLUAS website this a.m. (weds). It was down, as it was for a few hours on Monday morning. I've been on to the hosting company and they are on the case and are aware of the fact that this has happened now twice in 2 days. They say there is an issue on the server that they are trying to troubleshoot. Hopefully the site will remain accessible over the coming days while they sort it out. Apologies in any case, for what has been a double blip on the landsca...
1 3077
4/12/2006 1:32 PM
5 Replies and 3399 Views www.CLUAS.eu is in the bag  3399  5 Started by  admin I managed to secure the WWW.CLUAS.EU domain on Friday when they opened up the registration of .EU domain names to the public. It's not yet directing to the website but it should be in the next 48 hours. So, another small step towards (cough, splutter) global domination... eoghan
5 3399
4/11/2006 11:28 AM
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