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0 Replies and 4227 Views Cheap Freaks debut LP 'Bury Them All' Out Now on Big Neck Records!  4227  0 Started by  Garbage Picker Cheap Freaks debut LP 'Bury Them All' is out now on Big Neck Records. Its available on CD, Vinyl and Itunes download!  New LP 'Bury Them All'! Buy It!http://www.bigneckrecords.com/cms/index.phppage=test2  http://cheapfreaks.bigcartel.com/  Cheap Freaks Links Facebook www.facebook.com/cheapfreaks  Twitter https://twitter.com/!/cheapfreaks Bandcamp http://cheapfreaks.bandcamp.com/ Youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watchv=KndsYUrwbb4http://www.youtube.com/watchv=oD-lzGVI_uk  http://www....
0 4227
2/24/2012 12:08 AM
0 Replies and 2987 Views Cactus World News are back!  2987  0 Started by  petecole 30th July INEC - Gleneagle HOtel, Kilarney supporting Simple Minds. More news soon! Pete
0 2987
6/23/2011 8:04 AM
0 Replies and 2908 Views album reviews  2908  0 Started by  robbmurphy Any reviews of the below album would be most welcome ... http://soundcloud.com/robbmurphy thanks
0 2908
4/18/2011 8:36 AM
0 Replies and 3112 Views Zambian Irish collective  3112  0 Started by  nodenet Just search for Zamrish Zamrish at Reverbnation
0 3112
4/2/2011 10:38 AM
2 Replies and 3619 Views IN VALOUR - free single  3619  2 Started by  Blue Eyes Cork/Sydney electronica duo 'IN VALOUR' have released their first official single 'Into the Light' mixed by Stephen Shannon (Strands). Now available as a free download from the following; http://invalour.bandcamp.com/ http://soundcloud.com/invalour/into-the-light Interviews on RTE Radio 1, Phantom fm, Drop-d plus reviews, video etc. on http://www.invalour.com/
2 3619
by  nodenetJump to last post
4/2/2011 10:36 AM
0 Replies and 2458 Views Shapey Fiend V Rob Steenson  2458  0 Started by  Shapey Fiend Been doing rap battles for a while lately. This is my 3rd one that got uploaded today. Any feedback (aside from 'Stop being a faggot' as Youtube commenters so helpfully advise) is appreciated. http://www.youtube.com/watchv=54X1F3XNlTc
0 2458
3/10/2011 10:21 AM
0 Replies and 2566 Views Cheap Freaks 'Teenage Brains' EP out now!  2566  0 Started by  Garbage Picker Cheap Freaks new EP Teenage Brains in available to buy on CD direct from Psycho Sound Records and itunes download now! http://psychosoundrecords.blogspot.com/
0 2566
2/24/2011 4:34 AM
0 Replies and 2695 Views MusicOnlineAlive is changing the face of music industry!  2695  0 Started by  sharlenelaura www.musiconlinealive.com is the first truly comprehensive open platform for presenting, experiencing and selling music on the web. The premier feature of MOA is a unique patent pending technology called Virtual Album for artists to sell material, post tracks, lyrics, album art, biographical information and concert dates as well as directly communicate with fans. Using Virtual Album Technology, with MOA as the one stop platform, you can now • Create, record, and perform music (intu...
0 2695
12/10/2010 5:28 AM
0 Replies and 2606 Views Westland Studio Announcement  2606  0 Started by  Westland Studios Alwyn Hi folks. Many of you probably haven't heard of me, My Name is Alwyn Walker, I've been running Komodo Studios in County Down for 10 years or so. The last few years I've been getting most of my work from rock and metal bands from across ireland (although I genuinely love producing and engineering ALL styles of music) I guess the work I have done that would be best known in Dublin would be producing Glyder's second album 'Playground for Life'. Glyder have played on stages with the likes of T...
0 2606
12/7/2010 11:49 AM
1 Replies and 3413 Views 1989: The Best Of Power Of Dream  3413  1 Started by  petecole Power of Dreams will release 1989: The Best Of Power Of Dreams on 10th December. It features the brand new track, 1989, alongside twelve of the band's favourite songs spanning their career. Track list: 1. 100 Ways To Kill A Love 2. The Jokes On Me 3. Stay 4. Never Been To Texas 5. Cancer 6. There I Go Again 7. Understand 8. Happy Game 9. Cathy's World 10. Still Lost 11. Metalscape 12. Hymn For Him 13. 1989 Artwork can be viewed http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/...
1 3413
by  petecoleJump to last post
12/2/2010 4:11 PM
1 Replies and 3626 Views My Brother Woody Album *FREE*  3626  1 Started by  kevin gallen Dropping right out of the bargain bin and into the 'FREE' to a good home section it's the debut album from My Brother Woody. I added a couple of bonus tracks for the 'hardcore' fans - http://mybrotherwoody.bandcamp.com/ It's indie pop stuff with harmonies, trumpets, jangly guitars and so on.
1 3626
by  kevin gallenJump to last post
10/29/2010 8:04 AM
0 Replies and 2513 Views Pilotlight - new video/free download - all purpose underneath  2513  0 Started by  mick we've just put a new video on our youtube channel and are putting the track up for free download to coincide with it... its called All Purpose Underneath and is off our debut album The Post War Musical new video - http://www.youtube.com/watchv=MB4PRZJNrqY free mp3 - http://pilotlight.bandcamp.com HOT PRESS **** IRISH DAILY STAR **** “The Post War Musical is fragile yet fierce, epic, dark and… pretty damn beautiful.” THE IRISH WORLD   “The album features a truly euphoric collection...
0 2513
10/17/2010 11:51 AM
0 Replies and 2650 Views Dirty Filthy Animals  2650  0 Started by  Dirty Filthy Animals Hello Cluas,we've just added a couple of songs onto www.myspace.com/dirtyfilthyanimalskinda electronic, psychedelic, Gospel and rock n roll (labels, labels, labels)Anyways, we'll be adding more tunes as we finish off more recordings in between getting ready for some live shows. Hope you like the jamsThanks Andy
0 2650
9/30/2010 3:06 PM
0 Replies and 2359 Views IN VALOUR - music video  2359  0 Started by  Blue Eyes Hey there, We’re an electronic duo called ‘In Valour’ and here’s the video for our first single ‘Higher’, directed by Sean Breathnach. Single is due for release in early Oct. http://www.youtube.com/watchv=4nJYdC-5E6k Cheers, V & h
0 2359
9/12/2010 4:04 PM
0 Replies and 2179 Views Evil Uncle Debut EP (for free no less)  2179  0 Started by  EvilUncle Hi all, I released my debut EP 'Songs for the Road' over the weekend. Keep your eyes peeled as the Evil Uncle Guerrilla Distribution Army will be leaving 2,000 free copies of it in strange places around Dublin, Cork and Galway over the next fortnight. We also put 5,000 copies on the windshields of the cars parked at Electric Picnic on Saturday morning. The entire EP will also be availale for free download from www.eviluncle.eu/listen for the next fortnight. If you like what you hear be sur...
0 2179
9/8/2010 5:04 PM
0 Replies and 2484 Views Hey CLUAS - We're The Riot Tapes  2484  0 Started by  theriottapes Hello fine folks of CLUAS!I have no idea how I'm just now finding out about this board! Anyway, please check us out! http://listn.to/theriottapes http://www.myspace.com/theriottapes http://theriottapes.blogspot.com http://twitter.com/theriottapes We're finishing up our debut CD and about to start seriously gigging, here and in the UK/Europe. Anyway, have a listen! Can't wait to explore the site!
0 2484
8/26/2010 7:06 AM
0 Replies and 2375 Views Fall in love with ZOO SEVEN...  2375  0 Started by  petecole If you like your music passionate, moving an addictive, then look no further than ZOO SEVEN.Have a look/listen and then download their debut album for FREE http://www.zooseven.comCheers, Pete x
0 2375
8/14/2010 10:19 AM
0 Replies and 2343 Views Unsigned Bands Research  2343  0 Started by  karlrya Hi, I'm currently researching a thesis related to the Irish unsigned artists. I am looking for some facts and figures around the number of gigging bands in Ireland and how much they spend promoting themselves etc, can anyone point me in the right direction, has there been any research done on this previously Thanks, Karl
0 2343
8/13/2010 6:44 AM
0 Replies and 2102 Views New album Signals out today - its FREE!  2102  0 Started by  eviltimeban http://www.robertcrosbie.net/signals.html
0 2102
8/6/2010 3:04 AM
0 Replies and 2269 Views Evil Uncle New Website www.eviluncle.eu  2269  0 Started by  EvilUncle Hi all, Just a quick note to plug my new website www.eviluncle.eu. For the next week or so I will have some demo versions of the album songs (due in November) up there for free download. As an introductory offer like. The next one'll cost you an ear. So go on and have a listen. Any feedback on the songs, the website or the beard would be much appreciated. Looking forward to invading your ears. They look like somewhere I could call home. Your pal, Evil Uncle. www.eviluncle.eu
0 2269
8/3/2010 2:45 PM
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