Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
10/18/2006 4:02 PM |
Always tended to avoid anything by Smog (Bill Callahan) because he seemed to be well known more for his relationships with Cat Power and Joanna Newsom, rather than for his music. However, a guy in work gave me a lend of 'Red Apple Falls' this week, and I really like it.
Anyone recommend any of his other stuff?
And did he play Dublin recently?
roadhousemag Basic Member Posts:124  
10/18/2006 4:06 PM |
i've never heard of any of them, or the album...
but i did wikipedia him (bill) and he has twelve/thirteen releases...
jesus i need an accident at work and six months off...just to follow half the new stuff on this board 
ctrlaltdelete Basic Member Posts:268  
10/18/2006 4:12 PM |
Huh? better known for going out with Cat Power and Newsom? He was around long before he was going out with either of them two. Better known to you perhaps.
I'd reccommend Dongs of Sevotion and The Doctor Came At Dawn. People rave about his new one but i'm not that keen.
Say him in Galway on his last tour and he was deadly. A odd and engrossing live presence.
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
10/18/2006 4:15 PM |
oh man... smog is just the best...
last time he played dublin was june 2005 in whelans
he had really lo-fi startings... the best of his earlier albums is perhaps julius caesar ('93)... then he gradually started to lose the lo-fi and had possibly his golden run of three albums... wild love ('95), red apple falls ('97) and knock knock ('99)... actually there's another one in the middle of those somewhere... red apple falls is quite sparse (as you know), wild love throws in a couple of different styles and rocks a bit more and knock knock tends more to the mainstream with some country licks but some of his best songs and songwriting... it is possibly his best known... dongs of sevotion is a good double lp from 2001 and a river aint too much (2005) feels more organic and happy than previous outings... in general his songwriting started dark and bitter and then got slightly happier with age - a great comic turn of phrase and his voice just holds your attention (somewhat like johnny cash's voice does)... the space he gives his songs as well - just magic (see 'to be of use' off red apple falls)...
i'd go for "a river aint too much" first (as his latest) and then try "wild love" and then "knock, knock"
Pool Cleaning Guy New Member Posts:70  
10/18/2006 4:17 PM |
Red Apple Falls is the only one I have and I really like it too - Don't know why I never got anymore. I saw him in about 1997 in some long gone little venue on Sir John Rogerson's quay (I think) that I've forgotten the name of. (The Funnel?) He was great - Supported that night, fact fans, by a barely out of nappies Paddy Casey.
oh messy life New Member Posts:27  
10/18/2006 4:58 PM |
quote: Originally posted by palace
possibly his golden run of three albums... wild love ('95), red apple falls ('97) and knock knock ('99)... actually there's another one in the middle of those somewhere...
'The Doctor Came At Dawn' came in between, and it is unreal.
Includes the AMAZING 'All Your Women Things'.
'Kicking A Couple Around' was around the same time, just a 4 track EP but is also unbelievable.
So yeah, 'Wild Love' to 'Knock Knock' is definitely his best period, but there's been some corkers since.
Especially 'Supper'.
aaah, don't get me started.
i freaking love Smog!!!
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
10/18/2006 5:52 PM |
I'd say the new one is a pretty good one (A River Ain't Too Much To Love) although my favourite is the one with the cat on the cover and the lightening in the background. The name escapes me now.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
10/18/2006 5:53 PM |
Ctrlaltdelete, your spot on there. He's just one of those artists that I vaguely heard about but never got too interested in.
Palace, you make me want to buy his whole back catalog of stuff. Cheers for all of that.
ctrlaltdelete Basic Member Posts:268  
10/18/2006 6:07 PM |
well, they're a pair of rides so it's not the worst thing to be recognised for. : )
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
10/18/2006 7:16 PM |
Yeah, maybe I didn't listen to him before out of envy.
dermot_trellis New Member Posts:69  
10/18/2006 7:23 PM |
I'd go for A River Ain't Too Much To Love first then maybe Red Apple Falls or Knock Knock.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
10/18/2006 8:32 PM |
Also have "Red Apple Falls". Like it a lot, but was never really interested in buying anything else. Poor man's Will Oldham, perhaps?
nonemoreblack New Member Posts:21  
10/18/2006 8:34 PM |
I'd definitely go for Knock Knock first, its got a nice mix of upbeat and more melancholy tunes on it. Some good stuff on Dongs of Sevotion and A River aint Too Much. Rain on Lens is crap (bar one song), avoid it.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
10/18/2006 11:21 PM |
I keep meaning to buy some of his stuff but for some reason it's always really expsensive when I go into town.
10/19/2006 8:27 AM |
Knock knock is brilliant, plain and simple brilliant!!!
Although a favourite line of mine is from Dongs of Sevotion
"I can hold a woman down on a hardwood floor"
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
10/19/2006 8:44 AM |
Yep - some classics in his back catalog. Particularly fond of 'Dress sexy at my funeral baby..."
Goat Boy New Member Posts:72  
10/19/2006 10:27 AM |
Ah s**te! When I saw the Smog thread was hoping he'd announced a gig, which would indeed have been cause for celebration! But no, it's just about those who have not yet been fortunate enough to discover Bill Callahans genius! Marvellous he is and so much you have to look forward to. In addition to the albums mentioned above, I also really like Accumulation, a typical eclectic Smog compilation. Also, I believe the album with the Cat and the Lightening is Knock Knock, the first Smog album I heard and probably my favourite still.....
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
10/19/2006 12:05 PM |
Among all you Smog fans, Im surprised nobody's mentioned the unbelievable "I Break Horses". I dont know if it's on an album (I only have Knock Knock) but it's on a single/EP of Cold Blooded Old Times I have. It's one of my favourite songs, quite heartbreaking. I played it for my friend during the summer and it floored him. That's my top tip! "I Break Horses" by Smog, Cold Blooded Old Times single. ANyone else know it?
Goat Boy New Member Posts:72  
10/19/2006 1:15 PM |
It's on the Accumulation album and is one of the reasons I like the album so much....! Good call Norman....
diego_maradona New Member Posts:53  
10/20/2006 1:42 AM |
I am Norman Schwarzkopf's friend and i have just got up off the floor after hearing the song 'I Break Horses' just this summer gone ( as opposed to that summer still here).Get it heard!