nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
9/7/2006 1:44 PM |
Most popular song is Twink Vs Bastard. Very funny
kavobaggins Basic Member Posts:199  
9/7/2006 1:53 PM |
ctrlaltdelete Basic Member Posts:268  
9/7/2006 4:09 PM |
Man, I love the Warlords of Pez.
The world would be a more crap place without them.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
9/7/2006 10:01 PM |
is this for real ?
If it is its hilarious
What next Judge of Wanderly Wagon Versus ************* (insert expletive here) 
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
9/7/2006 10:15 PM |
Has to be real. Can't imagine it will stay there too long.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
9/7/2006 11:09 PM |
This is out of order. Stopped listening. Would be funny except their children are involved.
yoshimi New Member Posts:63  
9/7/2006 11:14 PM |
There's t-shirts being printed too - all about "put your willy back in your trousers" or whatever. Classy.
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
9/8/2006 11:19 AM |
Yeah it is legit, fvcking gas.
'Zip your willy.'
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
9/8/2006 12:33 PM |
Its all spin by Twinks agent, they've noticed that lately she's been alienated by the young and hip crowd, this whole thing was orchestrated to get her back in the spotlight, I sense a Madonnaesque revival, a new album and world tour later in the year surely......(and who'll get the support slot, yeah you guessed it her coconspirators Warlords of Pez)
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
9/8/2006 1:29 PM |
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
9/8/2006 5:34 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
Thats even better !!! 
I could really see 'zip up your m*ck*y' becoming a catch phrase like 'show me the money' or 'keep on trucking', like, at the end of the day.
Man in a can Basic Member Posts:106  
9/11/2006 10:20 AM |
This cant be for real, can it??
kavobaggins Basic Member Posts:199  
9/11/2006 12:18 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Man in a can
This cant be for real, can it??
I was told by a mate over the weekend that it is indeed real. Her ex-husband (the one with his willy hanging out of his trousers), handed over the tape to the guards and also to one or two members of the press supposedly. Thats how it got out. ...the tape i mean, not his willy.
Man in a can Basic Member Posts:106  
9/11/2006 12:26 PM |
Thats brilliant 
9/11/2006 12:45 PM |
Hi hate twink allways have .......
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
9/12/2006 10:26 PM |
What are you like?
Flux Basic Member Posts:124  
9/13/2006 2:28 AM |
Good lord.
I haven't looked at their page in a couple of weeks, but 'Twink' has had over 23,000 plays! 255 downloads today...what a stunt. Fair play. Hope the single does well..."Monster's Voice" is inspired s**t!
- Flux Radical
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
9/13/2006 9:43 AM |
Just in time for the Christmas rush ....
Man in a can Basic Member Posts:106  
9/13/2006 10:13 AM |
I looked at it on saturday night and it only had 10,000 plays, thats amazing.
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
9/13/2006 1:26 PM |
quote: Originally posted by nerraw
Most popular song is Twink Vs Bastard. Very funny
Is that "Old Women with Broadband" tune a p*sstake of the Republic of Loose. It sound's an awful lot like them.