Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
9/7/2006 11:04 AM |
looking for some recommendations, absolutely love what ive heard of Iggy Pop (raw power, fun house, and the lust for life album). Can anyone recommend anything else worth checking out?
Flat broke at the moment, so can't just grab a couple of cds. Anything by anyone like it would be great too.
PS sweet sixteen has to have one of the sexiest opening ever.
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
9/7/2006 11:35 AM |
You've got Raw Power and Fun House so ye might aswell get the first one 'The Stooges', great stuff, maybe not as good as the other two but still fcukin deadly!
Repo man New Member Posts:48  
9/7/2006 1:17 PM |
The Idiot
Stooges first record
Nuggets 2CD comp (hard to get in Ireland)
Metalic KO (Stooges live)
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
9/7/2006 6:34 PM |
All the Stooges stuff is worth having, including the excellent bootleg LPS "Rubber Legs" and "I'm Sick of you!".
The solo albums range from inspired to pure s**te: "The Idiot" and "Lust for Life" are probably the only "essential" LPS, although a couple of others throw-up interesting oddities. "Zombie Birdhouse" is an hilarious LP and the early 1990s "Blah, Blah Blah" is passable. So much of what he's done, though, is just plain bad!
Saw him in the National Stadium in 1989 (or was it 1988?) Deranged gig. Afterwards, we were waiting for some guy's Da to come pick us up in a car (we were sixteen), and the Big Ig came out, mistaking us for lingering fans. He shot the breeze and told us about his wife. I still have my signed ticket stump somewhere.
Oh, the folly of youth.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
9/7/2006 6:42 PM |
Sorry, "stub" not "stump".
Senility now!
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
9/7/2006 10:06 PM |
cheers dudes,
repo man, is that nuggets cd just for iggy/stooges? or is it a general one, cos ive a few nuggets compilations n he aint there though.
Repo man New Member Posts:48  
9/8/2006 10:15 AM |
No its and iggy pop/stooges double album. It has some cool 80's home demo's, stooges and iggy live.
Here is a link.
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
9/8/2006 10:28 AM |
sound, thanks
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
9/11/2006 3:09 PM |
If you've got Raw Power and Fun House, then the debut might be a limp let down. It certainly was for me. I Wanna Be Your Dog is phenomenal, and no Stooges fan should be without it, but the rest is the sound of a band that hasn't quite found its feet (Ten minute long chants? Yaaawn!)
I'd also highly recommend The Idiot, one of his (few) great albums.
I wish they'd come to Dublin.