comet Basic Member Posts:485  
8/3/2006 11:53 AM |
I just love her voice, she has a new album out soon and she's playing some live shows. I'm definitely going to go to see her, tickets on sale later today for her at Vicar Street on October 13th.
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
9/27/2006 7:16 PM |
no one going then? New album probably isn't as good as Cockahoop but there are some good songs on it, bit of a grower.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
9/28/2006 1:01 AM |
Cockahoop was a fine album. Probably ignored because the indie contingent like their chicks thin.
alameda Basic Member Posts:121  
9/29/2006 11:32 AM |
in fairness, she's not exactly in magic numbers territory (far from it) and that's never stopped them from being successful...
read a good interview with her recently in the london independent, she's living somewhere in middle america now with her hubby and two young sprogs - hasn't realised how much of a hedonist she was back in the day!
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
9/29/2006 11:50 AM |
Yeah thats right she's moved back to Wales now though full time, serious addiction problems back in the day I think. Tbh I doubt the kids even know who she is at this stage.
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
9/29/2006 5:29 PM |
oh would you believe now she's gone and announced a Cork date. Anyone interested in buying my Vicar Street ticket??