klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
10/5/2005 9:32 AM |
Has anyone here found themselves using myspace.com recently
Ive noticed that quite a few of the bands I listen to are now utilizing MySpace.com as an access point for fans to their tours, music, blogs.
Even, irish bands like turn and polar have myspace sites.
Seems like a great idea really, as you get to view profiles of other fans of the bands who have registered as friends and you can also email the band for all those "why no irish gig" questions.
I wonder if the age of the personal band website might be nearing an end as bands drift more towards sites like myspace
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
10/5/2005 10:40 AM |
yea ive been on myspace for a while - the majority of irish bands and acts have a site on there actually - really handy way of keeping track of a lot of stuff at the same time... and theres usually eally good downloads on the pages etc.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
10/5/2005 11:15 AM |
I use it aswell and it's quite good. Alot of the bigger bands have pages run by their PR and management companies but it's usually easy enough to get in contact with someone from the band or working for them. Good to see alot of Irish bands up there. I think new members are going to start being charged a monthly fee but any upcoming bands should fork out the small fee, put up decent downloads and try to attract as many 'friends' as possible. Myspace seems to be the newest way to launch a single/tour or discover new bands.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
10/5/2005 11:20 AM |
nah - you talking about that bulletin overload yesterday?!?!
Well anyway the moderator send a blog to everyones home page
account saying that that was all bulls**t and to ignore it.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
10/5/2005 11:28 AM |
Ok, my mistake........anyway Myspace is worthwhile for any new bands/songwriters/musicians looking to extend or start their fanbase.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
10/5/2005 11:33 AM |
yea def ive discovered a lot of bands out of it
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
10/5/2005 11:35 AM |
It does seem like an interesting way of giving your band international exposure. I like the network aspect of it. One band recommends another, you check them out and then you check out the bands that they are interested in...and so on...
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
10/6/2005 8:47 PM |
those myspace accounts are addictive little beggars :D
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
10/25/2005 9:43 PM |
You might be interested to know that MySpace is actually part of Rupert Murdoch's Fox Empire. What was that about 'stickinittodeman' ? 
Damien Basic Member Posts:316  
10/25/2005 10:14 PM |
To be fair I think he only recently procured it.
milkman Basic Member Posts:119  
10/25/2005 11:05 PM |
is it?
part of rupert's empire?
i hate that anything which is self run or underground or whatever, when it gets sucessful it gets snapped up by someone with dollar signs in their eyes.

Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/26/2005 9:08 AM |
In terms of letting individuals/bands pretty much put whatever they want on their pages (music, photos, links etc.) it's a fantastic idea, whether it's a Murdoch venture or not. It's an great open space to exchange ideas, discover new music and promote your own wares (there are a number of graphic designers, video makers etc. on there too) - I've been wondering about how fast it's growing by the day - it must be HUGE at this stage! Hopefully if it's only just been bought over by Murdoch it won't suddenly become a hell hole of advertisements.
akablue New Member Posts:78  
10/26/2005 11:05 AM |
MySpace is a good site but it IS full of advertisments, the amount of unwanted pop-ups and s**tty ads is unreal. Its such a shame cos I like noseying around the site and meeting people/bands etc but I've become so p*&sed off with ads for MAC make-up, Victoria's secret, the fecking Crazy Frog and request to vote who's the best actress between Angelina Jolie & 2 others, it puts me off going onto it.
God is nowhere free from that stuff ? Its a real pity its already a bit of a hell hole for advertisements..
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
10/26/2005 11:13 AM |
funnily enough i dont find the ads intrusive at all really.
i just ignore them
at least there not those one thats pop up on the screen
akin to those on NME.com with a very sneakily hidden 'close'
option thats takes an age to find!
10/26/2005 11:21 AM |
you could use a pop-up blocker. I dont get any adds popping up!
akablue New Member Posts:78  
10/26/2005 11:25 AM |
quote: Originally posted by benni
funnily enough i dont find the ads intrusive at all really.
i just ignore them
at least there not those one thats pop up on the screen
akin to those on NME.com with a very sneakily hidden 'close'
option thats takes an age to find!
The only thing is sometimes I'm on mySpace I'm in my place of employment & those flashing Frogs/Lingerie ads are a dead giveaway thats there's something "non-work related" going down. Pesky ads.... 
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
10/26/2005 11:26 AM |
yea but in work they're mad wierd about installing
any kind of software.. even s**t like that.