Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
4/20/2005 2:55 PM |
In relation to Darragh's recent OpEd ( and a comment a friend made to me recently. Are gigs outside of the Pale or Dublin at least more exciting, full fledged fan fever and more vocal? If so, what are the best venues for this - Rosin Dubh, Half Moon, Dolans Warehouse?
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
4/20/2005 3:09 PM |
a lot of bands claim they better sets away from their home area.
this may contribute somewhat...
4/21/2005 12:01 AM |
anybody got a list of the best venues we'll say outside of Dublin?
I think the pale stretched to Kildare and I hear Kildare is rocking.
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
4/21/2005 12:38 AM |
The Stables in Mullingar is a great little venue, even if it should be shut down because of the state of the toilets!!!
Saw Josh Ritter there a few years ago before he went massive (in Ireland, anyway). Only about 12 people there. Not a huge fan but his talent was very much in evidence. Joseph Arthur played a memorable gig there, with Liam O'Maonlai joining in on a couple of songs. Handsome Family were great too, plus every other new/young/established Irish band has played there at some stage. Republic of Loose a couple months ago. A classic.
Cosy little place at the back of a pub. Just one of tonnes of great venues all over the country that make the venues in Dublin look quite ordinary. Anyone else absolutely detest THe Village. hate that place. Crappy stage, lights, sound. Tacky and Horrible.
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
4/21/2005 8:39 AM |
being a Galway man, I would have to say Roisin Dubh is one of the best venues in the country......
Small, Intimate and an excellent sound setup
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
4/21/2005 8:44 AM |
Cleeres in kilkenny...Really small and intimate venue. Seen our damo there a couple of times
I dont rate Ten in waterford at all. Its muck. Avoid at all costs
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
4/21/2005 10:31 AM |
big fan of the spirit store in dundalk - lovely small room. also like campbells outside headford in galway, another lovely room to see bands in. dolans in limerick is also good, havent been to a gig in cork in a long while but i remember that the lobby was always nice (if a little squashed), has the lobby closed down or been turned into flats or something?
but really, it's down to the band. one of the worst venues EVER in dublin was the fox & pheasant but i remember seeing babes in toyland there a century ago and they were IMMENSE.
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/21/2005 11:02 AM |
quote: Originally posted by klootfan
our damo
Get out of it you bleedin' Culchie, he's poxy well ours ... 
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
4/21/2005 12:15 PM |
took us long enough to convince 'ye' of that though didnt it...when yis were all running around with blushes after the radio version of Dublin Town was released. 
three16 New Member Posts:11  
4/21/2005 1:02 PM |
Lobby is back open for the moment, it's a bit of a sticky one (taxmen & fire-exits)
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
4/21/2005 1:05 PM |
I've heard that Roisin Dubh in Galway is a great venue, never actually been but its on the list
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/21/2005 2:04 PM |
quote: Originally posted by klootfan
took us long enough to convince 'ye' of that though didnt it...when yis were all running around with blushes after the radio version of Dublin Town was released.
Like 'Dancing At The Crossroads' has you oozing Strawberry Pride.
"So Whats the story, Martin Storey".
The_Thin_Man Basic Member Posts:137  
4/22/2005 12:43 PM |
Feck Athlone, in fact feck Europe.
Knitting Room in New York. Bowery Ballroom in the same city. Pure dacent venues.
eoinfilter New Member Posts:52  
4/22/2005 8:50 PM |
spirit store in dundalk is defo a deadly venue we played there this week for the imro showcase thingy, real nice atmosphere and yer man derek who runs it is good craic
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
4/24/2005 10:22 PM |
having been at gigs over the last few nights in vicar st., the village and the olympia, i really have to ask whats the big deal with the olympia. i have come to the conclusion that the place sucks - i can barely remember the last great gig i saw there; the bouncers are assholes; the sound is muddy (unless u are near the front) and the overall vibe is fairly ropey. compared to it, vicar st and even the village are the best venues in the world ever
feel better now.....
wallmark1 New Member Posts:29  
4/26/2005 1:04 PM |
spirit store, roisin dubh, paddys bar in ballymahon and cyprus ave in cork are my favourites. people actually listen down there when your're not drowned out by chat. the sound is great and the people are cool. roisin is probably the best in my opinion.
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
4/26/2005 4:42 PM |
the spirit store - good venue, good sound, seems like a good place to play.
roisin dubh - good venue, a little small, but usually a good crowd.
nerve centre, Derry - deadly - sound is amazing
auntie annies - great venue, good sound, not sure about the area...
the forum, watreford - the glen tavern is too small and the forum is too big.
fiddlechick New Member Posts:63  
4/26/2005 8:06 PM |
quote: Originally posted by wallmark1paddys bar in ballymahon
Niche choice. From Ballymahon myself. Was quite surprised to see it here.