11/8/2004 2:15 PM |
you feel like barfing...
The new U2 song. Vertigo. First I wanted to barf then I just felt very sad.
QsySue Basic Member Posts:119  
11/9/2004 1:29 AM |
I don't remember the last time I listened to the radio. :)
11/9/2004 8:33 AM |
would have to say "forgiven not forgotten", actually no "summer sunshine", oh..........no.....wait! "Angel"... or maybe the new one.. F*** it their all the same, i wanna barfy warfy in the grassy wassy whenever i hear a Corrs song.
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
11/9/2004 8:37 AM |
remember when that dutch crowd of shysters entered the market with something along the lines of .. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM i want you in my room?? Yes folks, as a new entrant to Cluas i wish to make it clear that the Vengaboys make me barf and nearly caused me to crash my car. Was coming back from Cork when i heard it fot the first time and even the car freaked out!!
11/9/2004 10:51 AM |
Didn't they have the Barbie girl song? What a classic! Come on Barbie let's go party (ah ah ah ah) come on Barbie let's go party (ooh uh oh, ooh uh oh). For some reason I think I like it. I definitely don't hate it. Yet I know I should.
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
11/9/2004 10:59 AM |
Ah tombo... this is where flippers area of expertise come into play. Flipper knows all the s**t bands out there and remembers the moments whenst they first creeped into our world. Barbie girl was by AQUA. If i had a machine gun at the time you would not be reading this post... Now as regards your admitting to liking it.............. incredible bravery on this site as no one will ever take any bands you recommend seriously now!! hehehe... not to worry. Anyway, fortunatley both these "artists of rock" have since vanished back to the day jobs!!
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
11/9/2004 11:08 AM |
"St Anger" by metallica. They hit a peak with Reload and S&M and have gone to s**t since.
Makes me angry...so angry that i split my pants and shirt and turn green.
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
11/9/2004 11:15 AM |
yeah metallica have gone to crap aint they. Never made me barf though which was "Tombos" criteria. They done too much good stuff to make me hate them that much!!
11/9/2004 11:35 AM |
 Aqua. Must go get their greatest hit(s).... As damaging as it may be to my credibility (what credibility?) I felt the need to get it out there. There are some terrible skeletons like that in everybodies closet I'm sure.
St Anger - that song is possibly the worst song I have ever heard. It sounds like some kids playing any old s**te whatsoever. 'My first heavy metal song (tm)' (by Tomy). Another example of the mighty falling in a most terrible way.
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
11/9/2004 11:43 AM |
i defy anyone not to get sick listenin to the mighty Bryan McFaddens lyrics on that poxy 'real to me', the man is a joker!
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
11/9/2004 11:52 AM |
oh!!! yeah!!! the following one about "the city that made me" or whatever the F it is. If ye have not heard his new single then prepare for something truly shocking!!!
11/9/2004 1:28 PM |
I have just converted my radio into a kettle for my own protection. And to make the tea like.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
11/9/2004 7:35 PM |
quote: Originally posted by spurtacus
i defy anyone not to get sick listenin to the mighty Bryan McFaddens lyrics on that poxy 'real to me', the man is a joker!
Is that the one about him watching football on TV?
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
11/10/2004 8:37 AM |
yeh, 'and i raise up my finger and watch football on tv.....', oh yeh Bryan, yer a hardman alright!
Lucera Basic Member Posts:180  
11/10/2004 10:16 AM |
A friend of mine from tipp was at slane a few years ago. he spotted that muppet in the crowd surrounded by bouncers. it was past the 9pm curfew for beer (WHY?). my friend had one half pint left. he couldnt resist.
he proceeded to take a run, ducked out of the way of an overhead inflatable armchair and hurled (well he is from tipp) the beer right over the haircut (which had more talent than its wearer) and the smashin blazer and ("this old thing?") designer t shirt, to much applause and hurrahs from the crowds.
in fairness to the bloke, he just looked at my mate from tipp and laughed heartily. still a poser though.
11/10/2004 2:21 PM |
In all fairness your mate sounds like an awful gobs**te. No offense to you! As much as I detest that fellas 'music' chucking a pint over his head is an act of thuggery.
Lucera Basic Member Posts:180  
11/10/2004 2:32 PM |
ah tombo lad, if you call that thuggery then you wouldnt want to know what other people were trying to do.
spilling a pint on him, it was funny, like when cream pies hit people in old films. it actually saved him from a more menacing fate cos everyone just cheered and laughed at him, and as i said, he took it well, grinned like a dope, said something about being a pioneer or something silly like that, so no one bothered with him.
for thuggery see cctv from outside your local nightclub/garda station/abrkebabra etc...
11/10/2004 2:50 PM |
Ah I know it's not like he battered him with a frozen salmon or anything but still. It was a cheap shot. I'd be pretty mad if it was me.
Back on topic again, has anybody heard that new britney song my perogative or some such tripe? Sounds like a piss take you'd see on the Simpsons.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
11/12/2004 1:37 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Tombo
you feel like barfing...
The new U2 song. Vertigo. First I wanted to barf then I just felt very sad.
Harsh but your opinion. Think its a great track. I must say I found the Frames song 'Finally' most unpalatable. What is the rythmn of that one again...oh yeah, it doesn't have one.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
11/12/2004 3:12 PM |
I was in my local Tesco buying some mushrooms, when lo and behold, I noticed a Westlife CD called "Let's Be Frank" (i.e. Sinatra) or something. Haven't heard any of it, thankfully, but it does sound truly frightening.