bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
11/4/2004 1:46 PM |
you rush out and buy the single or album?
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
11/4/2004 2:33 PM |
"Take Me Out" by Franz Ferdinand.
I subsequently pased the record on to someone because it was s**t.
Ruby Basic Member Posts:107  
11/4/2004 3:14 PM |
It never happens through the radio, but sometimes throught tele. Last time it happened me was The Killers on cd:uk, I think!!!!
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
11/4/2004 4:43 PM |
Haven't actually got around to it yet, but I fully intend buying The Delays album and both Kings of Leon albums after hearing them on Tom Dunne's show.
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
11/4/2004 4:50 PM |
i got a mix tape recently and i went out and bought two albums (pinback and herv) due to the songs on it.
i love good mixtapes!
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
11/4/2004 5:31 PM |
i have faith in a few bands to never let me down : super furry animals, green day, therapy?, steve earle, mark knophler, all these people get my money (for nothing) on the principle that i know they are honest and have integrity as artists without being all self involved and the world must love me for who i am. you know, i can listen without projectile-vomiting.
so on that basis therapy? have astounded me with an absoulute gem and a must have for any true fan of irish music. "never apologise, never explain".
one of the most underatted bands of the last 15 years, one of the best
examples of a band who were a victim of their own sucess.(screamager has to be seen as a poor tune compared to non radio ffriendly unit shifters but its the only tune most people think of)
there I've said it. :)
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
11/5/2004 9:48 AM |
Mucho kudos to mutch for sparkling shiney musico taste.
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
11/5/2004 4:54 PM |
the walls - to the bright and shining sun