Lucera Basic Member Posts:180  
6/30/2004 7:25 PM |
Generally, a good line up eh? Anyone notice the lack of big american acts...pity
I'm sure we're all looking forward to eating the lovely burgers and chips, anyone got tips as to best not well known act to check out,
Mine for starters, though I reckon most readers to this site know already, is the Republic of Loose, they should draw a crowd...
Who should replace Bowie, Darkness  or Muse  ?
(I'm sitting on the fence, I cant decide)
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
7/1/2004 8:47 AM |
This will be my 5th year of heading to witnness/oxegen and i reckon its one of the best line ups so far. But your right there is a distinct lack of american acts.
I would have liked to have seen the likes of jesse malin, pete yorn, 50 ft wave, Nada surf, and some of the more well know acts as well.
Of the unknowns, id keep an eye on Iain Archer, Ricky Warwick, Razorlight and the killers are supposed to be good as well
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
7/1/2004 10:23 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Lucera
Who should replace Bowie, Darkness or Muse ?
The Darkness has been announced as the new headline act for Sunday (Day 2), source Irish Indo 1/6/04.
Just thought y'all might like to know that.
Punchbowl Basic Member Posts:205  
7/1/2004 11:51 AM |
God is an Astronaut would be My best bet. Great Audio/ Visual show...
Be-moaning the lack of really decent acts. Here's my interp
Main Stage
The Cure : Would you let your Dad go out with Lipstick on?
The Strokes : Rabid exploitive New York backwards Rock. Good for Parties of idiots
Kings Of Leon : Rubbish
PJ harvey : For blokes who are scared of their Girlfirends
Divine Comedy : Passionate and heartfelt, don't miss
Franz Ferdinand : Will draw exhausted looks from people who've heard OF them and love them but haven't actually heard them
Scissor Sisters : Scissors are dangerous unless used under adult supervison. I don't hate my parents enough to bring them to this Elton John porn fest
Goldie Looking Chain : Dunno
HAL : ?
The Ticket Stage
Massive Attack : Earnest trip hop. Well worn and trusted.
N.E.R.D. : Possibly actually maybe quite good
Paddy Casey : Bosco with a Guitar. He's actually quite good. Unlike Bosco.
Snow Patrol : Ruined by success, have a look anyway before they're airbrushed into Busted look-a-likes
The Rapture : Excellent
Jerry Fish
& The Mudbug Club : The musical equiv of your drunken Uncle at a Wedding
Bell X1 : b****x 1 , Bell End 1. Whatever, they're great.
Stellastarrc : Er...
The Chalets : The Irish Moldy peaches . Get them down in Aldi for cheaper
Franklin : Managed by a Westlifer. Remember, Guns are not permited at Oxegen
Green Room
Belle & Sebastian : Whimsical love pop. Lovely and Poppy and Whimsical
Orbital : Godfathers of Blip Blip Bip. Look like Coal Miners
Elbow : Give them it
Electric Six : Don't go alone but go.
The Radiators(plan 9): Ancient Dublin Rock. No, not Howth...
Simple Kid : MMmm. Dunno bout this guy.. Really don't
Maria Doyle Kennedy : the Bodyform version of PJ Harvey. Expect School teachers.
Cathy Davey : More of the above
Autamata : Great
God Is An Astronaut : Heavy stuff , great visuals and stirring Music
Stoneocean : Christ that's the worst name ever
Coming soon...
My Guide to the Sunday Stages...
Lucera Basic Member Posts:180  
7/1/2004 12:43 PM |
thats a pretty good description, i saw stoneocean a while back, i enjoyed the show they put on, thought it was good, a three piece with a nifty guitarist, well worth a look
goldie lookin chain appear to be the b(L)and version of those welsh sanchez people who want to be american because they cant play rugby or sing therefore couldnt in their own eyes possibly be from wales
sad eejits as we'd say here, is what they look like.
all in all i'm lookin forward to a festival where we're getting a good whack of new acts (new as opposed to the likes of the prodigy, preachers, both of whom i love) so there may well be a few of those "i was there" moments (oh for godsake, shoot me i've read too many issues of hotpress! damn! BANG!!! OW! _ Cheers.)
The Idiot New Member Posts:15  
7/1/2004 1:38 PM |
The only suitable replacement for Bowie would be Iggy and the Stooges, or the Velvet Underground reformed, featuring the exhumed corpse of Stirling Morrison (they weren't known for interacting with audiences anyway). Having the Darkness headline is a joke. How come Oxegen get all the s**t bands while Iggy and Morrissey play the Green Energy Festival? Dylan's been touring too, and Macca's around: once again MCD are getting away with a weak line-up.
karlvin New Member Posts:97  
7/1/2004 2:12 PM |
Heh just a few thoughts based on what I saw/heard in glasto this year.
quote: Originally posted by Punchbowl
God is an Astronaut would be My best bet. Great Audio/ Visual show...
Be-moaning the lack of really decent acts. Here's my interp
Main Stage
The Cure : Would you let your Dad go out with Lipstick on?
The Strokes : Rabid exploitive New York backwards Rock. Good for Parties of idiots
Kings Of Leon : Rubbish
PJ harvey : For blokes who are scared of their Girlfirends
Divine Comedy : Passionate and heartfelt, don't miss
Franz Ferdinand : Will draw exhausted looks from people who've heard OF them and love them but haven't actually heard them
Scissor Sisters : Scissors are dangerous unless used under adult supervison. I don't hate my parents enough to bring them to this Elton John porn fest
Goldie Looking Chain : Dunno
HAL : ?
The Ticket Stage
Massive Attack : Earnest trip hop. Well worn and trusted.
N.E.R.D. : Possibly actually maybe quite good
Paddy Casey : Bosco with a Guitar. He's actually quite good. Unlike Bosco.
Snow Patrol : Ruined by success, have a look anyway before they're airbrushed into Busted look-a-likes
The Rapture : Excellent
Jerry Fish
& The Mudbug Club : The musical equiv of your drunken Uncle at a Wedding
Bell X1 : b****x 1 , Bell End 1. Whatever, they're great.
Stellastarrc : Er...
The Chalets : The Irish Moldy peaches . Get them down in Aldi for cheaper
Franklin : Managed by a Westlifer. Remember, Guns are not permited at Oxegen
Green Room
Belle & Sebastian : Whimsical love pop. Lovely and Poppy and Whimsical
Orbital : Godfathers of Blip Blip Bip. Look like Coal Miners
Elbow : Give them it
Electric Six : Don't go alone but go.
The Radiators(plan 9): Ancient Dublin Rock. No, not Howth...
Simple Kid : MMmm. Dunno bout this guy.. Really don't
Maria Doyle Kennedy : the Bodyform version of PJ Harvey. Expect School teachers.
Cathy Davey : More of the above
Autamata : Great
God Is An Astronaut : Heavy stuff , great visuals and stirring Music
Stoneocean : Christ that's the worst name ever
Coming soon...
My Guide to the Sunday Stages...
Sissor sisters - were absolutely brill , great craic !
snow patrol - fantastic , a great live treat , and quite modest.
simple kid - missed this one but was supposedly brilliant in the accoustic tent.
elbow - caught some of this , fantastic !
Franz Ferdinand , got sooooo boring sooo quickly .
Punchbowl Basic Member Posts:205  
7/2/2004 3:53 PM |
Maybe it's just me. Last year there was loads who I wanted to see. Flaming Lips, Dave Couse , Bellx1 , Mogwai , Cane 141 , Frames , Badly Drawn Boy, Polyphonic Spree , SFA etc... This year none. Is this just because they blew the budget bringing in Pink and Bowie. In fairness last year saw more nearly huge bands than this this years bona fide huge bands. ( Although Coldplay where knocking about last year weren't they ?) What am I trying to say ?? Dunno really.
My ideal Festival ( Perhaps a new thread ? )
Main Stage
12-1 : The Go-Betweens
1-2 : Brian
2-3 : Sparklehorse
3-4 : Belle and Sbeastian
4-5 : Ben Folds
5-6 : Grandaddy
6-7 : Interpol
7-8 : Kraftwerk
8-9 : Pernice Brothers
9-10: A House
10-11: Frank Black (Solo)
eddiesheridan Basic Member Posts:169  
7/5/2004 7:55 PM |
Stone Ocean are doing a warm up gig in The Voodoo Lounge on Thursday in preparation for their upcoming appearance in Oxegen.Saw the gig in Whelans last monday week and I thought it was a good show with a loveley french dancer chic. I heard they have 3 dancers on thursday but im not sure they arent advertising the gig
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
7/8/2004 11:26 AM |
Is anyone covering Oxegen? I'm debating whether or not to bring my notepad.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
7/8/2004 12:00 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Gar
I'm debating whether or not to bring my notepad.
I'd bring it. James Joyce never went anywhere without his.
Always be prepared. 
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
7/8/2004 12:26 PM |
I usually do bring it to gigs but if there are loads of people covering Oxegen then I might take a backseat and try enjoy the w/e. Then again I love taking notes and reliving the gig, especially when you get good feedback.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
7/8/2004 12:32 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Gar
I love taking notes and reliving the gig, especially when you get good feedback.
Looks like you've answered your own question. That was an excellent piece you wrote on Josh Ritter. It'll be good to hear what you thought of this weekend.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
7/8/2004 1:37 PM |
Cheers Jules.....I didn't need much convincing but I think I will defo bring all my kit with me now. And delighted you liked the Ritter review, hopefully my Bob Dylan one from Galway will be up in the next couple of days.