Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
6/24/2004 11:14 AM |
Well Folks,
I have just been on the Bud Rising site looking at the line up. Even thought there are less bands than say Oxegen it looks like a pretty damn fine event.
What think you all of this compared to Oxegen. I think I'll be heading to some of the gigs at Rising - Primal Scream in the Red Box - Charlatans in Whelans - it's good to see these bands in such small venues.
What yis think??
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
6/24/2004 11:47 AM |
Yep, A fine lineup indeed.
Got my Charlies ticket this morning and I hope to be round to pick up a ticket for grandaddy in the village. Then there is Badly drawn boy as well.
Fine line up for a new new festival
amawaster Basic Member Posts:127  
6/24/2004 11:50 AM |
looks cool alright. unfortunately tho at €25 a tick, prob oxegen better value, but as you say better bands at the bud yolk
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
6/24/2004 12:44 PM |
On the friday night The Charlatans play Whelans with The Things (heard alot about them) but Ian Brown plays that night aswell. Then again they play the next night with The MIghty Stef (who is excellent, formerly of the Subtonics) so maybe can squeeze Ian Brown and the Charlies in.
But compared to Oxegen, not a chance. David Bowie, Franz Ferdinand, Republic Of Loose, Ocean Colour Scene, Kings Of Leon, The Shins, Bell X1, Alphastates, Hal, Belle & Sebastian etc etc....
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
6/24/2004 1:26 PM |
that is a pretty impressive line up. The beta band, the charlatans, primal scream AND ian brown. Oxegen is better value but some of the acts at bud rising are pure quality. Why is it called bud rising though? almost all the main acts are well established, internationally renowned acts. Any suggestions to easy this pedantic mind of mine? Also, why the fu*k are all these acts playing over here when I'm trying tyo save up for Australia. It's goddamn inconsiderate I tell ya 
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
6/24/2004 1:32 PM |
Maybe its the Bud thats rising after a heavy night on the tiles rather than referring to the bands! Best not think too hard about that one if you just had your lunch... 
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
6/24/2004 1:42 PM |
That makes sense. Obviously my mind isn't pedantic enough. Fair play to bud for being so honest. Do you think that will be their next advertising campaign, "drink Bud, it makes you puke". Classy
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
6/25/2004 12:00 PM |
Did anyone get tickets for this yet?
I'm still trying to decide whether or not to go see Ian Brown and then the Charlatans the next night.
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
6/25/2004 1:19 PM |
Only got Tickets for Primal Scream in the RedBox - cannae wait.
Gar if you can afford it go to Ian Brown then go to the Charlatans the next night!!
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
6/25/2004 1:32 PM |
Thats what I want to do but a bit cash strapped at the mo
Notmadad New Member Posts:5  
6/28/2004 10:00 PM |
Did'nt know beta band had been added reckon they'd be well worth seein, I've heard great things about them live.
Already got Badly drawn boy tickets for the village that will be something else has anyone heard anything from his new album?
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
6/29/2004 8:50 AM |
Indeed I heard his new Album and it is quite mellow with 1 or mid paced songs. It's really a lovely album and it will take a couple of listens to really get into it compared to say songs like Silent Sigh and Once Around The Block - they are not as cathcy, at least not straight away.
Defo get it thu.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
7/2/2004 3:18 PM |
Just looking at the bud rising lineup, and if you like good dance music I would suggest checking out Black Strobe and Freelance Hellraiser in crawdaddy on the 29th of July. Never seen either live (and I don't know what the venue is like either), but I have heard one or two of Black Strobes 12" singles, "Me and Madonna" for example is great french dirty house/electro. Freelance Hellraiser is probably one of the best bootleg/mashup DJs out there.
Erol Alkan on the 21st (also in crawdaddy) is supposed to be pretty good too. I have a compilation he did for Muzik magazine and its fantastic: Kiko and the hacker, Duran Duran, Metro Area, Ewan Pearsons mix of Train by GoldFrapp, totally rocks from start to finish unlike the usual "Euphoric Ibiza Garage Trance Chillout Anthems volume 27" rubbish.
7/7/2004 1:24 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Gar
On the friday night The Charlatans play Whelans with The Things (heard alot about them) but Ian Brown plays that night aswell. Then again they play the next night with The MIghty Stef (who is excellent, formerly of the Subtonics) so maybe can squeeze Ian Brown and the Charlies in.
But compared to Oxegen, not a chance. David Bowie, Franz Ferdinand, Republic Of Loose, Ocean Colour Scene, Kings Of Leon, The Shins, Bell X1, Alphastates, Hal, Belle & Sebastian etc etc....
what the f**k is wrong with all you happy people, the line up is absolutely brutal for both festivals. not that bud rising is a festival!
let me start on bud rising. the charlatans, haven't relaeased a half descent tune since 97...and thats even pushing, you may as well go back to the start of the 90's. same can be said for primal scream, 97's vanishing point was okish but you'd have to go back to screamadelica for any substantial good stuff, as for their output since vanishing point, well i think i speak for all of us that bobby and co have well and truly dried up creatively - now focusing their attentions to politiks & america, now i've no problem with political s**t and all that but when the music is as bad as theirs, they can f**k right off!
ok now it's brown time! for all you sad romantics out there who think that the stone roses and all their candy rock n roll antics (aswell as this myth they've got goin) were half descent first time round.....have you not heard the monkey try to sing! face it please children, he can't sing, could never sing and will never be able to sing.....was fooled into attending his 'show' at wittness 2 years ago, and i felt quite ill about 3 tunes in.....i may aswell have bein watchin aslan
i seriously get depressed when i see all you happy campers getting in hysterics when bud/heineken/guinness puts their name to something and get any band thats bein around long enough to show up and 'perform'. the state of the current music scene is rotten beyond all belief.............some other time i'll go on about oxegen and the 'irish music scene' and all that whelans shushies crowd......
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
7/7/2004 1:34 PM |
quote: Originally posted by clamps
some other time i'll go on about oxegen and the 'irish music scene' and all that whelans shushies crowd......
I can only assume that you're one of the people that enjoys paying into a gig and then shouting down the act that's on stage. Can you explain the logic of that to me?
7/7/2004 2:10 PM |
well what the f**k would you do ye presumptious asshole! if a gig is bad, depending on what scale of badness it is, i will vent some anger at the tossers onstage, not necessarily always though! i have left gigs because they were so s**t, the rolling stones last time round was one i can remember. now if you want to sit there and try to find inspriation in some noodler onstage, go ahead poncho. if there's somebody up on stage, well they're there to be shot at that's what i say. they'll take the applause without blinkin an eye. wake up my pal!
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
7/7/2004 2:15 PM |
quote: Originally posted by clamps
if there's somebody up on stage, well they're there to be shot at that's what i say. they'll take the applause without blinkin an eye.
Clamps has raised the interesting issue of whether you should quietly leave a gig if the music is rubbish or, ehh, be somewhat more vocal in your disapproval. What y'all think ? Are we looking at the construction of chicken wire fences, to protect musicians on stage, in venues like Whelans, ala The Blues Brothers. ?
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
7/7/2004 2:32 PM |
Sure if you pay money for the gig you might aswell stay to the end. Like when Ryan Adams played a dismal set few years back, most people stayed. Or I can't understand when people leave the cinema early. You payed good money to see that film, your choice after all, and if you leave you've wasted your money and disturbed other people watching the film. So I say stay and try enjoy it.
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
7/7/2004 2:41 PM |
quote: Originally posted by clamps
depending on what scale of badness it is, i will vent some anger at the tossers onstage
So basically pal, you're the only one in the venue that counts and if you don't like the gig you'll make sure no one else gets to? Just cause one sham in the audience takes a dislike to an act doesn't mean eveyone feels the same. Who's the presumptious asshole in this scenario? 
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
7/7/2004 3:47 PM |
Goodness, I'm only away for a bit and trouble starts. Guys, enough with the name calling a mud-slinging please. Disagree by all means, but drop the nastiness, thanks.