6/21/2004 2:26 PM |
Picked up the new album on Saturday. Listened to it on the way to work today. Fooking good. Dirty gritty catchy bluesy....
Anybody else have any opinions?
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
6/21/2004 3:08 PM |
Listening to it at the moment for the first time.
I like it alot...but its alot different to what i might normally listen to.
"Dirty gritty catchy bluesy"...sounds about right as a description.
It definitely deserves the "Parental Advisory" sticker
Looking forward to them at Oxegen
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
6/21/2004 4:45 PM |
It's a brilliant debut in my humble opinion - it draws from so many genres but remains distinctly ROL all the way through. Mik Pyros voice sounds fantastic too - just wish I was going to Glasto this year to check out how the crowd will react to them.
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
6/21/2004 4:56 PM |
Going to pick it up on Pay day ... which is soon, thank god.
I heard them on the radio over the weekend, they were live in 104FM studios. They did a Durty version of R Kellys 'Ignition' 'Bo Bo! Bee Bee! Run my hands through my Phro'
Looking forward to the CD + Oxegen
Lucera Basic Member Posts:180  
6/21/2004 5:46 PM |
yeah its a great CD, one of the best i've heard so far this year, lyrics are fairly impressive
oxegen should be cool, reckon they'll outshine more than a few of the bands playin ahead of them
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
6/22/2004 8:59 AM |
I got the EP there a while ago and although the songs were great their production was a disaster! I couldn't believe they released something of such sh*t quality. 'Girl I'm gonna fu*k' you up wasn't too bad but the rest were extremely amateur for a band that talk the talk at every given oppurtunity (not a bad thing I must say). Don't get me wrong, they've great tunes and they're brilliant live but have they sorted the production problem for the album? If so I look forward to hearing a great album, if not, They're going nowhere fast
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
6/22/2004 10:35 AM |
Their album is getting great press in the UK.
Only last week it got second in the "Album of the Month" section in the Oberver Music Monthly magazine, with a fabulous write up. At this stage, they are getting more press than I've ever seen for the Frames or BellX1.
After seeing them at the most recent CLUAS gig, I'd like to hear the album.
6/22/2004 10:53 AM |
The production is top class. All on a par with Girl I'm gonna.... at any rate. Vox are sheer quality. Some pair of lungs.
By the way that song where he keeps saying 'mothafugga' had me laughing out loud in the street yesterday on my way home.
Looking forward to seeing these boys in oxygen.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
6/22/2004 11:39 AM |
Is that the "F*ck Everybody" track...funny stuff
My favourite apart from "Girl im going to" has to be Goofy Love...Quality stuff
Lucera Basic Member Posts:180  
6/22/2004 9:04 PM |
"Whatchyou talking bout L.A. Sunny? i dont give a phuck about L.A honey"
i love that one, just "dissin" a place that almost all other pop artists ("pop" in a broad sense) love is funny, although i've never been there, i'm sure its lovely this time of year.
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
6/23/2004 7:22 AM |
I just bought the album there yesterday. I can't believe swallowing rust braces isn't on it, that was the best tune on the EP! Haven't really listened to it properly yet but what I have heard sounds damned good. Those boys were smoking something when they put this album together. What day are they playing oxegen?
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
6/23/2004 9:17 AM |
Damn! They're playing Sunday on the New act stage, I was only planning to go on the Sat.
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
6/23/2004 11:22 AM |
It's a brilliant album combining rock'n'roll, r'n'b (the old kind), hip-hop and funk in a very original manner. My favourite tracks are 'Slow Down' -pure chain-gang blues -and of course 'Girl. . '
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
6/23/2004 2:31 PM |
Check out the biography on the Republic of Loose web site. Hotter than a motherf*cker
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
6/23/2004 2:58 PM |
I'm hooked on this album. I tried to listen to something else for a change yesterday on the bus but found myself scrolling through my ipod back to this kickin album.