Yep, I'm another one who went just for the Pixies. Unlike all you other lazy ba**ards though I suffered through ALL the crap supports first as I wanted to get a pit band.
Dunnot about any 30 minute beer queues, I had no problem getting drink, but then as I said I was there all day so by the time Frank Black and co. appeared I was well loaded anyway.

Getting to and from the site was a f**cking nightmare as well. And they had the most retarded pit band system I've ever seen, and I'm no spring chicken. There were two pits. Pit One filled up by 12.30. Pit Two was a lot bigger. Now instead of giving you a pit band as you enter the pit, some f**king genius came up with the brilliant idea of waiting until the pit was full until giving out passes. This took about two hours. Needless to say confusion reigned. Why does EVERYTHING in this country have to be so f**king complicated ?