eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
3/25/2004 12:38 PM |
On the BBC World service this morning they had a report on about how MTV are seeking to pay indie labels apprx 50% less royalties than they have been paying them up to now. They are not seeking to change the terms with the majors, apparently. A fella was on from Sanctuary records (The Strokes, Iron Maiden on their roster among others) was on and they are considering their options. Among which they have not excluded telling MTV to go shove it.
To be honest, the escapade does not surpise me.
MaryJane New Member Posts:17  
3/25/2004 1:25 PM |
I hope they do tell MTV to shove it, MTV is a bag of commercial s**t. I have not seen it for a while but the last time I did it was just a big advertisment for being cool an 'hip', Music is more important than haircuts.
Apart from the righteos stance, what will this mean for Indie labels?
Its good promotion I know but ye get sick of the hype of the next batch of whipper snappers, Its like reading the cock smoking NME
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
3/25/2004 5:44 PM |
I don't think any band in it for the music would want to be on MTV in the first place. Leave MTV for the Darkness etc...
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
3/26/2004 10:08 AM |
Thats ridiculous of MTV to even consider paying indie labels less, sure they even show their videos anyway, even MTV2 is gone down the pot and has done for a long time.
This leaves the competition open and maybe there will be actually be a good TV station playing decent music!!!
It's the same with NME it's a big pile of poo dedicated to advertising and gossip, it's pure low grade journalism. Example: They are signed up to all the majors bands mailing lists and when an email gets sent around it's posted as a news artical on their news section, most of the time word for word, thats p1ss poor!!!