She will definitely sell a large number of tickets because as far as I know its the first time she has ever played Ireland. However 150 euro is still a ridiculous amount of cash and theres much better concerts/festivals this summer, Witness/Oxegen for a start, and Heineken Green Energy is back too. (Iggy and the Stooges looks good if theres any tickets left)
While its good in a way that Slane is taking a chance and getting away from the rock acts that usually headline, they really are in danger of alienating the typical slane audience. I really don't think I'd pay to see a MTV-type pop act. The true medium for an artist(?) like Madonna is the music video, I think seeing her in concert somehow won't be anywhere near as exciting. Thats not to question her musical ability, she can sing in key and can probably play guitar better than a lot of singer-sonwriter types too! Its just that a concert is less of a reflection of Madonna is about than a music video. Pop concerts can be incredibly dull too. For example, I was incredibly bored last christmas so I decided to tune into a Kylie Minogue concert they were screening. "It can't be that bad" I thought, "after all I even like a few of her songs and she is, well.. aesthetically pleasing"

. Nope, it was just unwatchable, I lost interest after 5 minutes and spent the day playing videogames instead.