damo101 New Member Posts:82  
3/18/2004 2:57 PM |
Bob Dylan is 60 snots in galway plus the usual booking/handling/whatever else we can get away with charging fee. in spain 5 days later, tickets are 30 quid. how does that work? the spanish venue has a 15,000 smaller capacity - http://my.execpc.com/~billp61/dates.html#0627
so how do irish promoters get away with fleecing everyone every summer? still can't figure it out after years of going to gigs.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
3/18/2004 3:57 PM |
OK this is going to sound like an incredibly boring reply but I think promoters can at least partially (but not totally) justify higher gig prices in Ireland. First of all theres the fact that we are stuck on an island, which can increase transport costs compared to continental europe. Then theres also (yawn) insurance. Sad but true insurance is more expensive here, blame inflation compo culture, I dunno, but its a fact of life for Irish Business. This is starting to sound like The Last Word on Today FM already isn't it?
Then theres accomodation, food, etc. also more expensive, which if touring with a full crew of musicians, engineers, roadies, etc. can seriously start to add up.
Add to that, the cost of using the venue, security costs etc.
So yeah Irish promoters are probably ripping us off, but they are probably being ripped off by everyone else.
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
3/18/2004 6:06 PM |
Everythings a f*cking rip off here anyway. This country's a disgrace 
MaryJane New Member Posts:17  
3/18/2004 7:13 PM |
pack of rip off bastards, cead mile failte
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
3/19/2004 9:00 AM |
I'll second those emotions. This country is a f*%kin disgrace. Tourist industry my arse. I go to France every year and have yet to pay more than 50 euro for a room for two (not per person, for the room). Last weekend, I went to a wedding in Clonakilty and decided to break the journey back in Carlow for a night. Average B&B cost? 37-40 euro per person sharing. WTF? This was Carlow, not San Tropez. What really rots me about this industry is the fact that the whole system is based on paying people the minimum wage and less, I mean you average hotel worker here earns not more than your average in France, therefore, this the higher prices here are pure profit margin.
I'm off to lie down now...
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
3/19/2004 12:24 PM |
I blame the government for not putting a cap on prices especially when it comes to alcohol. I didn't vote for Fianna Fail in the last election but it would be true to say that whoever did kind of deserves what they're getting now. It was a bit obvious they were gonna f*ck up
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
3/19/2004 1:14 PM |
Well in Fairness,
whether or not you voted FF or Fine Gael it makes no odds, they're all a bunch of chancers and only line their own pockets, doesn't matter who you vote for!!!
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
3/19/2004 7:36 PM |
fair points binokular but when you compare the numbers to the spanish gig, less than half the tickets at half the price it means the irish promoters will be making 4 times as much, can insurance be that expensive?
eddiesheridan Basic Member Posts:169  
3/19/2004 8:48 PM |
so how do irish promoters get away with fleecing everyone every summer? still can't figure it out after years of going to gigs. <-- that last bit answers the question for me, if you didnt go they would have to lower the prices.
The_Thin_Man Basic Member Posts:137  
3/20/2004 2:23 PM |
If it was only the politicians lining their pockets, we'd be ok.
It's the retail outlets, the unions and the banks I blame - greasy fingers aplenty.
If it costs too much, don't purchase.