h. monster New Member Posts:4  
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
3/11/2004 1:38 PM |
despite realising from the outset that this little aminamtion was about a bunch of c**ts. i said id watch it anyway. thinking that the animators were gonna really lay into them in a vicious way, after all you said it was comedy. all i saw was a bunch of whelans induced vomit...i was truly disgusted that people could use their free time in this way. have they never heard of drugs? or sex? or even rock n roll for that matter...?
oh and adding sfa and alfie to the poster outside the door of whelans to make the punter realise its not only these c**ts that you listen to?? nice touch. very cutting edge!!!
i dont normally give s**t like this a chance, but i gave it a chance and now i feel like a a fool. thank you
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
3/11/2004 1:48 PM |
i forgot to say. despite its content, the whole thing was nicely put together. im not a complete prick. credit where its due
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
3/12/2004 10:18 AM |
Dirty Propaganda, bloody hell relax!
If you don't like them fair enough, but bloody hell, sounds like your gonna burst a blood vessel!!!
QsySue Basic Member Posts:119  
3/12/2004 8:14 PM |
I thought it was cute.
h. monster New Member Posts:4  
3/13/2004 3:58 PM |
easy now!
i thought it was real good, took the piss in a way that everyone can enjoy, imagine if it had of really taken the piss in a serious way, the frames posse would be after the animators heads. the pisstake of the guinness ad is genius!! and the one about the ticket seller is even better!! i fookin hate those pricks!
and once more how can you call josh ritter a c**t whats he ever done to hurt anyone! i understand people have issues about glen h but josh ritter, mark geary!!! watv they ever done, and mike scott is a genius so show some respect!!