John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
2/6/2004 3:33 PM |
The Frames ? Pah. Bell X1 ? I don't think so lads.
No, ladies and gentlemen, for I have seen the future of Irish rock and it's name is.......
Cracking tunes and live performances that just get better every time I see them. Think melodic guitar rock a la Weezer, The La's, The Byrds, even, dare I say it...The Pixies. I haven't been as excited about a new Irish band for a long time.
Check out some snippets of their material at or better still, rush out now to your local music emporium and buy their album 10SR. You know it makes sense.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
2/6/2004 3:45 PM |
Good stuff...
I take it you were in attendence at gig in the Purty Kitchen
last night...Not a great turn out, but a quality gig all the
Heres hoping they get a bit more attention
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
2/6/2004 5:20 PM |
Yeah Kloot I was there alright. That's the fifth time I've seen them live now and they were f**king red hot ( even if Dermot did forget one of the verses to "Fifteen" !! ) I got talking to them afterwards, great lads, bought me a pint and threw in a freebie t - shirt !!
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
2/7/2004 9:26 PM |
They are sound blokes. They really deserve alot more
exposure then they get at the moment.
Been a fan for a few years now and they have really come on.
ilovehoovering New Member Posts:65  
2/8/2004 8:44 PM |
ah jaysus lads these indie rawk type bands will go nowhere! check out Ten Past Seven - they are scarily good.
caps lock New Member Posts:35  
2/10/2004 6:21 PM |
Really sorry I missed the Ten Speed Racer gig in the Purty-for once a gig near where I live!I've been hearing about them for ages and I was looking forward to checking them out-any idea when/where they're next playing?
Ilovehoovering...been to a couple of ten past seven gigs and yeah, they're pretty good but at the end of the day, they're copies of the brilliant Redneck Manifesto. I'm sure they'll develop their own sound with time but they do seem to be doing their bit for bandwaggon jumping at the mo'. Their on stage humour however is definitely unique!
cosmic let down New Member Posts:25  
2/10/2004 6:30 PM |
ten speed racer,sorry lads there good but there is much better out there if your not to snobby to look!
ilovehoovering New Member Posts:65  
2/10/2004 6:43 PM |
quote: Originally posted by caps lock
Ilovehoovering...been to a couple of ten past seven gigs and yeah, they're pretty good but at the end of the day, they're copies of the brilliant Redneck Manifesto. I'm sure they'll develop their own sound with time but they do seem to be doing their bit for bandwaggon jumping at the mo'. Their on stage humour however is definitely unique!
only seen them the once there with TRM last month in Whelans and yeah they are pretty much the same but i still love it. can't wait to see them play some more and jesus i'd nearly recommend people to go see them purely for listening to the drummer. makes me proud to be a kerryman.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
2/11/2004 12:21 PM |
ten speed racer,sorry lads there good but there is much better out there if your not to snobby to look!
Snobby...what has that got to do with expressing the fact that you like the music a band makes...Its not like anyone said that all other bands are crap except for Ten Speed Racer.
There are plenty of great bands out there are the moment, i know that because of the fact that i end up at their gigs week in week out, be they small unknown acts or larger festival playing acts.
I happen to think TSR stand out in their own way, thats my opinion anyway.
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
2/11/2004 12:22 PM |
quote: Originally posted by cosmic let down
ten speed racer,sorry lads there good but there is much better out there if your not to snobby to look!
Hmmmm. I'm open to persuasion. Give me some names........
ursosacked New Member Posts:5  
2/12/2004 4:19 PM |
Naw naw naw...all you people have been missing out..the pale are probobly the best band in the world..and the most generous...if anyone remembers the album...'Here's one we made earlier' ??...its up for grabs on their site..some deadly tracks...Butterfly...Dogs with no tails...Mother nature is a man.....Shut up Venus..etc..