rachelann New Member Posts:2  
1/9/2004 5:51 PM |
hi. i don't know if this is the right spot to post this or not, but i'm coming to dublin february 22nd for 9 weeks. i'm interested in punk rock/indie music. i just want to know some cool clubs/bars/houses, some good bands, anything about the scene over there. any info would be rad. email me, responde to the post, im me whatever. please don't be a serial killer. thanks.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
1/12/2004 8:51 AM |
Some of dublins best known music venues are
Whelans (www.whelanslive.ie)
In the past whelans has hosted many great bands including
my own personal favourites, evan dando, radio 4, Nada Surf.
Its a pretty intimate venue and on weekends has a late night indie club afterwards
The Village ( http://www.thevillagevenue.com/ )
This is a new gig venue and has hosted Interpol, evan dando, Mark Lanegan, Tom McRae
The Temple Bar Music Centre (http://www.tbmc.ie/)
The TBMC has hosted such bands as the Strokes, Grandaddy and
Frank Black.
Eamonn Dorans is a pretty good venue for Irish Bands, there is usually something on most nights of the week.
The bigger venues are the Olympia and the Point. These are the venues that the larger internation acts tend to use.
I havent really time to go into any more detail, but check out
the following websites for information on gigs in dublin
Hope this helps
1/13/2004 11:07 AM |
For the indie and punk rock scene go and check out http://www.thumped.com
(sorry Eoghan, but it's true)
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
1/13/2004 2:53 PM |
The Oak bar ( also known as Thomas Reids ) on the corner of Dame Street / Parliament Street. On Friday / Saturday night check out the basement level bar - there's a DJ there who plays a great selection of rock / indie / vintage punk stuff. AND it's totally free.
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
1/13/2004 3:00 PM |
Tried PM'ing you but apparently I need to be set up for AOL messaging. Which I'm not.
Mail me at pabros@eircom.net for more information.
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
1/15/2004 12:09 AM |
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
1/15/2004 9:00 AM |
The Mezz is great for late night drinks..
Some really good music as well.
The place below Thomas Reeds does a really good indie nite club as well