12/21/2003 7:34 AM |
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/22/2003 8:36 AM |
Hey Linus, I can understand you wanting to promote your band, but maybe you should take a hint from the fact that you have posted this link several times and no one has replied. Please don't take offence, this is intended as constructive criticism.
I have no problem with people promoting their band, in fact I think its great. After all thats pretty much what this site is all about, but if you want people to pay attention and dowload your songs have to do a little more than post a link. You need to do a little persuasion, because people like myself generally won't download MP3s unless I think theres a possiblity that I might like it. When you post a link, at least write up a little in the post about your band and the kind of music you make. Avoid limiting describing your band to generic descriptions like "acoustic singer songwriter", "electronic" or "hard rock" etc. That just describes the genre, instead be as creative with your description as you are with your music.
Also your website is a mess, its not pretty, doesn't look coherent and doesn't make you want to know more about the band. Not everyone is great at making an aesthetically pleasing site thats also easy to navigate, so theres no shame in not being able to design a site properly. Maybe read up a bit more on site design (and not just the technical side) or if you really can't get the hang of it, try and persuade someone else to do it for you cheap or even for free. Theres always a budding web/graphic designer out there just waiting to show off their abilities and build up their portfolio.
All the best with your music career!
12/22/2003 1:48 PM |
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/22/2003 2:16 PM |
*sigh*  Not trying to "bitch you out" as you so eloquently put it. Just trying to offer what I believe is good advice, you don't have to listen to me. If you want to stay in the little leagues thats up to you. I don't claim to be an expert in how the the music industry works, but I do know this:
1. People DO judge a book (or record) by its cover no matter how unfair that seems.
2. No one accomplishes much by only listening to the people who tell them their great.
Oh and I take offence at that cherios statement, I start the day with cardiac arrest inducing full irish
Uncle Nova New Member Posts:24  
12/22/2003 2:32 PM |
heh heh heh
12/22/2003 2:58 PM |
Linus - you'd be well advised to learn how to accept constructive criticism for what it is. Constructive!
Binokular could have replied saying "Yer band are a load of sh*te and I don't bleedin like ya", but instead offered some very bloody good contructive criticism. You're going to get plenty of verbal roots in the arse if you keep going on like that.
Good lad.
12/22/2003 4:12 PM |
Constuctive? didn't even listen to the music...nothing else is supposed to matter..
Uncle Nova New Member Posts:24  
12/22/2003 4:25 PM |
In this day an age the way you present your music is very important! I don't like it but it's true. Plus that Binokular guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about, which prooves his point that "people DO judge a book (or record) by its cover". He could be talking crap but he puts his point across well so I'm therefore inclined to think that the guys got some good advice! Likewise if you present your music well, people for some unknown reason might give the sound itself more merit! First impressions last, thats my advice (ahh my mother was a wise woman)!
I can't say much though, cause my site consists of one page that says "coming soon"!
12/22/2003 4:33 PM |
Thanks! I like your constuctive words...reason ...while I was reading it I didn't feel like I just ruined your day by posting just a link...I don't know..what gets people attention....short and simple or a noval...millions of people different strokes for different folks! So far short and simple has gottin THE BEST results!
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/22/2003 4:38 PM |
Linus the reply below was actually in response to your post on Posted - 22 Dec 2003 : 16:12:56, rather than your last post. I think you've got the point, but I'll leave it up anyway. I dont mean to sound cranky!
Linus, you might be missing the point here, I'm not criticising your music.
Yes, I didn't listen to the music. Now ask yourself why.
Put yourself in my shoes. I regard myself as genuine music fan, in addition to my growing CD collection, I have nearly 4000 mp3s on my PC, these are mainly tracks from new/unsigned bands, bootlegs and unofficial remixes. I don't get to listen to them all so nowadays I tend to be selective about what I download. Why should I listen to your band over thousands of others clamouring for attention?
Sure the music is all that really matters in the end, but if few people listen to it, whats the point?
You've got to show that you believe in your music or else no one else will. If you really believe in your music, you gotta be able to stick by it and talk about it, you've got to be enthusiastic and aim to get to the widest possible audience. Bjork once compared her music to children, you've got to give it the best start in life, after that it takes on a life of its own.
I'm not against you, if anything I'm doing you a favour by keeping this post active.
Its your choice, stand out, make yourself heard, or get lost in the noise of a million unsigned bands.....
Uncle Nova New Member Posts:24  
12/22/2003 4:50 PM |
I say good stuff man for trying to get your music out in the open and listened to.
You gotta give people a reason to listen to it though. If short and sweet works for you, then by all means stick to your winning formula, but it's always nice to see a little something about the song or the writer or.....I dunno something.
That Bjork quote brought a tear to my eye :-) I have to remember that - gold dust for interviews or reviews!
12/22/2003 4:58 PM |
Peace, cheese and chickin greese! 