aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
1/15/2009 4:56 AM |
As I was saying :) I'm sorry to see that Crayonsmith and Ham Sandwich didn't make the shortlist. And good luck to The Script, they're as entitled as anyone to be in there if that's how the judges voted. Anyway, although Jape would be my favourite from the shortlist I'd have to pick Lisa Hannigan as the most likely winner.
Idiot Kid Basic Member Posts:217  
1/15/2009 9:36 AM |
My problem with The Script is that if you listen to the album, and I've been forced to by my friend who has the musical taste of a 15 year old girl on a long journey to Cork, there's not much to it. Fair enough, it's pretty slick, but the best I can say about them is that they sound like a poor mans One Republic (my guilty pleasure of the 00's 'too late to apologise') which isn't saying much.
Dudleys, Ham Sandwich etc produced musically superior albums...the only thing the script did was get lots of airplay. I think...think...they were the most played band on Irish radio last year....so much for airplay not affecting the judges decision.
There's always the arguement that they are only there to draw huge attention from the indie/alternative community as in 'What the flip' and Shelia Housewife and 3 Cd's a year man who can say 'Oh I know them.
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
1/15/2009 9:57 AM |
There's also the revolutionary idea that people (including, but not only, Choice judges) actually like The Script. Surely Sheila Housewife and John O'Stuck-in-Traffic are entitled to have their tastes taken seriously too. After all, and perhaps ironically, it's the 3-CDs-a-year buyer who actually seems to do most of the music buying in Ireland/the world. The Script sell albums because lots of people like them. Purely on the basis of democracy, a majority of Irish music punters (including S.H. and J. O'S.i.T. and 3-CDs-a-year) would make The Script's album Best Irish Album of last year. And if the Choice prize is somehow representative of this by even just including them in the shortlist, then not only is this not a bad thing but it may even be A Good Thing, by flushing out snobbery and preciousness (the enemies of pop and all the other good things in life) into the open.
whiterob81 Basic Member Posts:162  
1/15/2009 10:52 AM |
Sheila housewife? John O'Stuck in Traffic? Seriously, when did David McWilliams start writing on Cluas? I have a confession to make, I didn't buy or download any Irish music last year. I had intentions to but nothing I heard really grabbed me enough. Also, I'm always of wary of good reviews of Irish albums in the Irish press. There's always a part of me that thinks "Ye're obliged to say that. I think I'm going to half that star rating to get a more accurate picture" And when people praise Irish bands on this forum part of me thinks "I must check them out", another part of me thinks "I wonder which member they're related to." I hope to rectify that no irish albums situation this weekend by buying gama bomb's album. Gama bomb rock.
1/15/2009 11:53 AM |
So you're saying that because The Script sell lots of albums and lots of people like them that they're good? What absolute bollocks. No snobbery, no preciousness - The Script are just bland, gutless, soulless shite.
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
1/16/2009 3:16 AM |
Posted By carry_grant on 15 Jan 2009 11:53 AM So you're saying that because The Script sell lots of albums and lots of people like them that they're good? What absolute bollocks. No snobbery, no preciousness - The Script are just bland, gutless, soulless shite.
No, I'm just saying that a lot of people (including the Choice judges) think they're good. But the reaction to their inclusion is a bit OTT. I mean, I don't like either The Script or RSAG but fair play to them for their nominations. And the recent CLUAS poll results included Coldplay - I may go 'yikes!' to that but there you are: people can like them if they want. Some CLUAS writers had the same reaction to Vampire Weekend.
floodzer Basic Member Posts:181  
1/16/2009 5:41 AM |
I voted for Japes Ritual yesterday, the vote counted but my comment never saved – just something to look out for Admin!
I must admit that I only bought Jape and Hannigan’s albums, and I still havn’t got around to listening to Sea Sew. Too much music at once for Christmas! I don’t know a lot about The Script. I passionately try to avoid FM104/98FM/2FM/Spin etc, but while in work yesterday I heard them performing on 2FM. There are definitely worse pop acts out there, but honestly, all they are is a boy band who can play there instruments and write somewhat catchy tunes (That make me want to rip my ears off!). I found the following on the choice website:
‘The Choice Music Prize was established to highlight those albums which deserve some extra time in the spotlight and ultimately, to select the album which best sums up the year in Irish music’…’Instead of using sales or airplay as criteria, the Choice Music Prize judges focus simply and solely on the music.’
There is no way that The Script deserve to win it. Pehaps they needed to be nominated to prevent the alienation the non-serious music fans, much like the way Snow Patrol were nominated last year! But if they do actually judge based solely on the music, eh The Script?? pshh
whiterob81 Basic Member Posts:162  
1/16/2009 5:42 AM |
The Script are too good looking. If they stopped shaving and dirtied up the production on their album a bit more, they'd probably get a bit more respect. If the lead singer was a 35 year old with a big p*rn star tache, no one would really care that they've been nominated. I've no major feelings on their music, they don't particularly do anything for me. But then neither do the rest of the bands/artists that have been nominated
1/16/2009 11:37 AM |
I voted for Lisa Hannigan and the same happened - vote didn't register so I just cast it again. Is this Florida?
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
1/17/2009 3:16 AM |
Holmer's album for me Hearing Lisa Hannigan reminds me too much of the Ray D'arcy show Good luck to them all PQ
Fuzzball New Member Posts:7  
1/26/2009 9:07 AM |
I think Lisa will win but being honest if I had a proaper vote it would have to go to either Messiah J or R.S.A.G. But seeing as we are Irish and always play the safe card lisa should wins hands down. I blame irish radio for this mostly how many shows actually play any different music other than the same old "safe" music we are always made listen too. Meesiah J and the expert and R.S.A.G. are the only Irish musicans this year to provide us with something new and different and both are a breath of fresh air to a very predictable scene. I know Messih J and the Expert are around along long time but there latest album is by far there best. Don't get me wrong Lisa Hannigan has a beautiful voice but let's be honest here is it anything new or exciting?
1/27/2009 1:35 PM |
I'm all for innovation in music but there's nothing on that list which could be considered remotely innovative. Lisa H's album should win, not because it's safe, but because it's quite surprisingly beautiful. Well, she surprised me anyway.....
floodzer Basic Member Posts:181  
1/29/2009 2:50 AM |
So thats 8 votes in 14 days... this place is BUZZING!
whiterob81 Basic Member Posts:162  
2/3/2009 5:24 AM |
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that a lot of the links on this page don't work (such as the quote one), half the time when i try and access this discussion forum the link doesn't work and there also seems to be an issue with pages updating. Maybe it's just my web browser but if it's happening for other people I can see why they wouldn't be arsed logging on and voting
2/3/2009 7:46 AM |
Whiterob81, There are some technical issues with the site at the moment that could be behind what you say above about pages not refreshing. I am working on them. But more importantly I am working on what are the biggest changes to the site in its 10 year history. The first of these changes should be rolled out later this month. The site is badly in need of a revamp. And it is coming. Hang in there. Eoghan
whiterob81 Basic Member Posts:162  
2/4/2009 3:59 AM |
ok, i will. i just hope a few other people do too