Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/21/2003 8:49 AM |
I was tryin to organise going to see the Doors in Paris recently, largely due to the fact that Ryanair were sellin tickets to Paris-Beauvais for €1 either way up to last night. But every one I know that would be in to going is either too broke or can't get the time off work...anyway a few people made the point that it's not the same thing when there's someone else standing in place of a dead singer?? In this case i thought it quite poignant that the Doors were to play Paris, Jim's final resting place. I would have said no one could replace him and it was a terrible idea until I heard that Ian Astbury was going to. I f**kin love Ian Astbury, I think he's a great front man and has a great voice (& he looks bloody good in a pair of leather trousers...what??...come on..you have to consider these things!). Instead of trying to copy Jim's signature moves and growls he has his own, where the essance is the same. What do you think of bands reforming with replaced members? Who would you go to see if they reformed and who do you think could get away with replacing a dead (or departed) member?
On another note...I've heard that Andre 3000 from Outkast is going to be playing Jimi Hendrix in a film due to be made about his life...he's the bleedin' image of him!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
11/21/2003 9:51 AM |
I thought the same about the Doors reunion, but as with Dromed, had to tip my hat to them - Astbury is a very fine choice. The Cult released one of the greatest low down dirty rock and roll albums ever, Electric. Unfortunately for them, it was in 1987 at the height of synth pop nd show gazing. For anyone with a yearing for ACDC and The Darkness, you should check it out.
It's a shame the show isn't coming to Dublin. Not sure I'd travel to it. What sort of venues are they playing, as a matter of interest?
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/21/2003 2:38 PM |
They are playing the Zenith which I think is about the size of the Olympia, or slightly bigger. The Kings of Leon are opening for the Strokes the next night in the same venue. I worked it out that for a flight to Paris-Beauvais, Bus to city centre, ticket to see the Doors, overnight Hotel and return travel would be about €130 in total, and you could stretch that to €200 to make it two nights instead and go to both gigs...can't the the poxy time off work though ahhhh!
They're playin London too...but I'd take Paris over London any day and at least you don't have to change your money!
hillbilly New Member Posts:37  
11/22/2003 1:06 AM |
I would like to see hi rise with a new singer that would be good i would go and see that! 
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/24/2003 9:37 AM |
Well if you're lucky they might just give you a job when you run out of HillBilly tunes
pablohoney New Member Posts:33  
11/24/2003 12:37 PM |
or maybe theyll give yuo a job hillbilly wen th rest off you're band boot you out for been a useless f**ker 
11/24/2003 12:38 PM |
I have to admit that I am not too sure with Ian Astbury taking the place for Jim Morrison he was one of the greats and his stage presence was a big part of the Doors live show`s, so I cannot make up my mind on this one.Also I heard that John Densmore the drummer is not playing so half the f**kin band are going to be missing, so I think that makes up my mind for me really.I read a review recently about the Door`s gigs in America this year and although they are all sold out musically they have been slated, Astbury included. I think it could turn out to be a bit of a farce in the end so I think I am going to give it a miss.Jim R.I.P
Jimbo big balls New Member Posts:33  
11/24/2003 1:02 PM |
As an avid Door`s and Jim Morrison(r.i.p) fan I think you have over stepped the mark there a bit slick. Ian Astbury is a great singer and although he is not Jim Morrison he has more than what it takes.They have now got Stuart Copeland of the Police in for Densmore any complaints there I should think not.I went to see Ray Manszerck play when he came over here and just to hear him alone was amazing to say the least.I would f**kin beg borrow or steal to get to see them play especially in Paris where Jim and the Door`s are idiolized.They are a bit older now but they are like a fine wine and mature with age you just wait and see.I also heard the whole week of thew gig there will be memorials to Jim, readings etc.f**k my f**kin job in anyway shower of bastards wish I could be there.
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
11/24/2003 3:27 PM |
11/24/2003 4:14 PM |
Not being an avid fan of the Doors, I'll admit I don't know much about this but from what I'm reading here, I would say why not?
After all, bands like Iron Maiden and AC/DC have gone through several vocallists (Maiden are on their third I think)
And now that I think of it, I think the Sex Pistols had a reunion a couple of years back even though one/some of the original band are dead. It's a shame we can't clone people yet and we can't re-create Jim, but if you've got a good singer that can adequately sing the songs then what's the harm? Doors fans are in for a treat.
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
12/3/2003 1:06 PM |
does anyone else not find the Doors reunion to be a pretty cynical money-making exercise? the reason John Densmore isn't playing with them is the same reason that he won't allow Doors songs to be used on ads -he feels it's against everything Jim Morrison stood for. granted this is just more of the same mythological nonsense that surrounds Morrison, but whatever else you can say about the man he certainly wasn't in it for the money. incidentally i said just as much on my online music magazine www.eyeballkid.com and Ian Astbury emailed me and accused me of denigrating Jim's memory. somehow i feel making shedloads of money from resurrecting a dead man is more likely to do this.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
12/4/2003 9:18 AM |
(Waiting to be corrected here but..) Didn't all four members of The Doors share songwriting credits? If that is the case, I really don't see much of an argument if 2 of the three remaining members want to tour the material. Afterall, it's not like anyone going is under any illusion that the magic they produced with Morrison will be replicated. Given that there are probably a dozen Doors cover bands touring, why shouldn't they get their nest egg? I'd object if they were recording as the Doors. I'd expect that if they toured as Ray Manz & Robbie Kreiger, they'd get pretty much the same crowds and interest.
Good luck to them, I say - there is about three generations of doors fans out there since Jim died. It'll never be the same but I wouldn't mind getting a glimpse of what they were like.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
12/4/2003 11:08 AM |
I find it hard to believe that they'll make a huge amount of money out of this tour anyway...they aren't exactly playin huge stadiums everywhere, and it's a world tour so the overheads must be pretty high. From what I can see the remaining members and the likes of Astbury are very much devoted to the memory of Jim and payin sincere tribute to him and the music. I don't think it's a real money makin scam, they could have gone as far as releaseing new recordings with Astbury singing or something if they were that in it for the money I think. Astbury is obsessed with Jim so I think it's more an honour for him then a pocket lining exercise. He said himself he couldn't fill his shoes so he was just goin to do the best he could at representing what he felt in the music himself, as opposed to imitating his every move or sound.
I still wish I could have gone, it'll be a great gig regardless - I've read that the first few nights on the tour weren't the best but that now Astbury has found his feet a bit more, is a bit more confident in takin on such a 'role' he's givin it loads and the gigs have been really good.
Don't know about other bands doin something similar though - in this case they found someone that I thought was a really good choice. But what if New Order decided that they were goin to reform Joy Division....don't think they'd find someone to be a front man to match Ian Curtis?
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
12/4/2003 1:22 PM |
Ian Curtis?? Mark E. Smith? Dave Gedge maybe? That said, New Order playing Joy Division tunes has got to be as close to the original spirit as you can get.
As for Morrison, I wouldn't have thought anyone could do it. But when I heard it was Astbury, I thought, yeap, I can buy that. Having seen him perform with the Cult, I think he'll do a top job without trying to act up a Morrison double.
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
12/4/2003 2:48 PM |
the doors did share songwriting credits, which is why densmore's permission is required for their songs to be used on ads, etc. but it's not about the legalities of the matter. the only question that's relevant is why the remaining members have signed up to this. it can't be about nostalgia cos there's only two of the original band there. it can't be about making today's doors fans happy cos they should know what they're going to pay their money for is not the doors, but some kind of tribute band. so it's got to be about the cash, and if you read anything that densmore has written recently (http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,772902,00.html) it becomes apparant that this is the overriding motive behind manzarek and krieger's decision. if you think they require a "nest egg", then remember the shared song-writing credit and think of all the royalties that roll in every year. astbury may be happy to fulfil his jim morrison fantasies so good luck to him. but isn't rock'n'roll supposed to be a creative force that breaks down boundaries and standards, not props them up with staid recreations and back-slapping reminiscence.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
12/6/2003 10:19 AM |
Mark E. Smith fronting Joy Division? Now that would be funny!
12/11/2003 8:30 PM |
quote: Originally posted by eyeballkid
does anyone else not find the Doors reunion to be a pretty cynical money-making exercise? the reason John Densmore isn't playing with them is the same reason that he won't allow Doors songs to be used on ads -he feels it's against everything Jim Morrison stood for. granted this is just more of the same mythological nonsense that surrounds Morrison, but whatever else you can say about the man he certainly wasn't in it for the money. incidentally i said just as much on my online music magazine www.eyeballkid.com and Ian Astbury emailed me and accused me of denigrating Jim's memory. somehow i feel making shedloads of money from resurrecting a dead man is more likely to do this.
But didn't Jims death (being his own fault) kinda screw the rest of the band out of the future the band should/could have had? Just a thought.. 
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
12/12/2003 1:20 PM |
But didn't Jims death (being his own fault) kinda screw the rest of the band out of the future the band should/could have had? Just a thought.. 
well when Morrison died he had moved to France and the end of the Doors appeared imminent anyways. nevertheless if you take rock'n'roll seriously as an art form -and given the continual (and preposterous in my opinion) claims for Morrison as a poet of stature you should -then no matter how the doors as a group of artists ended surely that should have been the end of the doors. bands aren't like football clubs because they are defined by the individuals who form it, so you can't get in astbury to replace morrison like you could with ronaldo and beckham. the rest of the members of the doors were free to follow their own musical pursuits after the doors finished or they could lie back, watching the royalties flow in and be happy they were a part of one of rock's finest outfits. but greed has made them resurrect a corpse and grave-digging for loot should always be considered repulsive.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
12/12/2003 5:02 PM |
I wouldn't assume that because they were in the Doors and had writing credits that any of them made a lot of money. Recording contracts in the sixties were notoriously bad for the artists. The Doors went on to sell shed loads of albums which probably means that some multi-national record company and publishing house got the loot.
Even to this day, it is touring that makes a band money. It is their only safety net. A record contract can be torn up in an instant. Every week I hear about bands who haven't been able to record because of legal wranglings with their record company. Financially, touring is their saving grace. As such, I generally forgive most bands their nostalgia tours, good luck to them. If you feel strongly that the essence of the band is gone, then just don't go. Necromancy it ain't!
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
12/12/2003 5:08 PM |
If you feel strongly that the essence of the band is gone, then just don't go. Necromancy it ain't!
true. but this kind of sensible attitude hardly makes for good debate now does it. have good weekends all.