Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/22/2003 10:25 AM |
So in the spirit of new discussions.......I hear the Slate is no more, not sure if I liked it or not, the content was pretty piss poor but it did give me a laugh here and there. What I did respect though was the fact that they (whoever 'they' are) got off their arses and put their energy into it and put it out there, and kept it free... no mean feat in this day and age. So were there any Slate readers here? Will it be missed? What did you think of it?
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
10/22/2003 10:54 AM |
I used to read it about a year or so ago, it was quite funny for a while, then it got a little bit repeative.
The listings were always good though.
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
10/22/2003 3:19 PM |
Yeah, I liked it, it was a really entertaining event guide. I can't believe they got away with wht they published eg 10 best drugs, special olympics in Ireland, giving out Micky Hearts mobile number. I'll miss the cheeky monkeys.
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
10/23/2003 10:08 AM |
thats a real shame - it was highly entertaining and there were no sacred cows - anyone was up for a lambasting should they put a foot wrong!
i think there should be a SLATE christmas annual - i would even spend money on it and thats sayin something...
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/23/2003 11:34 AM |
I liked the fact that they had the neck to go and put in print the things that are 'real' in a lot of people's lives, cos it painted a truer to life picture of what living in Dublin, or any other city/large town in Ireland, is actually like these days. And they were a pack of funny bastards too! It's a bit of a sad reflection on our society though that it had to be done anominously
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
10/24/2003 9:28 AM |
there IS a november special coming out, the "best of" Slate... look forward to that.