klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
10/14/2003 7:21 PM |
According to NME ( honestly, i was stuck for something to read)
ben Kweller will be supporting the Kings of leon.
I duno if any of ye have seen him before, but i saw him supporting
evan dando in whelans a couple of years back and i was well impressed
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/15/2003 11:20 AM |
What kind of music is he playing Kloot? Heard the name a few times.
Looking forward to this gig so much.....the lords of the tight jeans indeed, and the best album I've heard in ages!
Jimbo big balls New Member Posts:33  
10/15/2003 12:12 PM |
I am not sure about this either but I heard that The Warlocks were supporting I am hoping they are what a gig that would be.F**kin class.
ghost rider New Member Posts:10  
10/15/2003 1:07 PM |
ben kweller is goodtimes, kind of evan dando/r.e.m/brenden benson kind of stuff.
10/15/2003 1:33 PM |
Best album I have heard in ages,......well I would not go that far but has it`s moments.If this Ben Kweller is like r.e.m why would they get someone like that to support.Would love to see the warlocks do it r.e.m what a load of crap.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
10/15/2003 5:55 PM |
Id agree with the evan dando comparisons
some of his newer stuff is a bit pavement-ish as well.
The warlocks would be a good as well.
The ad in NME had all of he UK dates plus dublin on it.
With Kweller as support...
It would be nothing stange if the irish support was different to the uk support...
should be good either way.
Say the kings at witnness, but at that stage i didnt have
the album so, while it was a good gig, i dont think
i appreciated it as much as i could have
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/16/2003 11:10 AM |
Same here Kloot...saw them at Witnness and liked it but hadn't heard the album so couldn't really make a decision on if they were good in a novelty-kind-of-way or if the songs were actually good. Then I spent a week in a gaf in northern Ireland with no TV and ended up listening to it repeatedly....I now think it's one of thoe most simple, uplifting, sunny, catchy records I've heard...it's a 'just out of bed in the morning' record, it's a 'gettin ready to go out on a saturday night' record and it's especially a 'driving around in the sun' record. It never fails to put me in a good mood, and I haven't heard a record that did that to me in ages...so suffice to say I'm dying to see them live again and see what they are like this time.