8/11/2003 8:44 PM |
I was at the gig last week and being a music fan and regular gig goer I was surprised at some of the s**te that we were subjected to under the guise of "fresh unsigned talent". Give me a break-I'm sick of bands like The Things, relics trying to revive a long time dead mod look/sound. Man its been done before, so many times, so much better. The band and their associates( Dirty propaganda, roonus.....) are never off this site hyping the s**t out of every gig they play. It takes more than hype to get anywhere lads so give the well-oiled propaganda machine a break, stop borrowing clothes from Paul Wellers wardrobe and start playing some bloody original music.
shewolf New Member Posts:59  
8/11/2003 10:04 PM |
hear, hear,
i snarled as much last week on this site and as a starting member too. good to see there is fresh new talent in the opinion stakes at least! but you must have thought some of the bands were good? or were you bored stiff?
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
8/12/2003 5:44 PM |
I'm guessing that the Things aren't your cup of tea then. Well what exactly is it that floats you boat? There are a lot of bands in Dublin, surely you like some? No?
As for "hyping" gigs, if you can't get excited about your own gigs, what hope do you have? I'd expect anyone who contributes to this forum who is in a band to post a gig anouncement....where's the harm in that? Ain't nobody twisting your arm to follow the link!
8/12/2003 6:21 PM |
Look, I don't have anything against the things as people right, I'm sure their a charming bunch. What I do have a grevience about is the way bands get hyped up to bits and we, as punters pay hard cash to go and see them only to be badly let down. Now I know its generally a media a thing and journos are extremely fond of jumping on band wagons(sorry), but when the band is blatently doing it themselves under the auspices of general gig goers, that, my friend gets my goat up. Now don't give me the "well nobodys forcing ya to go and see them" line. I'm a music fan and I love and will continue to go and see new bands.
Jeweller New Member Posts:6  
8/12/2003 7:08 PM |
Well go see new bands and continue to be a music fan but dont come on here and complain to us about how much you hated the gig and how they wasted your time and money...
i was at both nights of the gig and i enjoyed it alot.. some great bands played... of course you will get s**tty bands like "harold holt" no offence lads but covering bosco isnt my cup of tea.. 8-ball were superb, The Chapters as usual were class, Subtonics were on fire and alphastates blew me away... thats not to mention the high profile acts who played such as Turn, Nina Hynes and the impressive Hailte
So if u dont like the gigs why do you go? so that u can do what every other moany c**t in this country does and complain about how you got let down by going to the gig... if u dont want to be let down then dont go... simple as that
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
8/12/2003 9:02 PM |
hard cash? badly let down? lets be honest the most any unsigned band usually charges into a gig is about € 7 ... unless ur really really hard up..and i appreciate thats true in some peoples cases..but i dont have a job and i play in a band and i make f**k all out of music..the extortionate rates that most unsigned bands charge in at the door usually are barely enough to cover the cost of putting on the gig...so please dont come at it from that angle...if u think a band are s**t..its worth the 7 or so euro just to find that out in my opinion..that way u wont be fooled into buying their material if they ever release any
8/12/2003 9:34 PM |
Well I don't recall ever saying that I hated the gig or that it was a waste of my time.I really enjoyed some of the bands that played (Turn, Woodstar, Halite...) there was real quality on show from some quarters.I think you'll find my point was that certain bands (the things were the example I used) frankly are not good enough to be playing alongside the aforementioned.Don't go if I don't want to be let down?? If I were to adopt that attitude then I concede that I really would become a moaning begrudger.Oh, and how am I supposed to know if I don't like a gig unless I actually go???
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
8/13/2003 12:18 AM |
thats the point i was making...go and if u dont like it dont go again...it seems were all singing from the same songsheet really..im not a turn or wooodstar or halite fan..but im glad u had something positive out of the whole thing..i had lots
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
8/13/2003 10:11 AM |
So far as I can see we are all singing the same song here. We all love music, we all love gigs. Some bands I like, some I don't. Personally I really don't mind seeing a band that are not my cup of tea. I just past the next time. I only get vexed if the gig is shambolic (performers are drunk/stoned/incapable) or clearly taking the piss (unable to play their instruments). Saying a band are crap/cool is very subjective - somebody out there is buying Stereophonics albums by the bucket load.
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
8/13/2003 3:49 PM |
Another solution Fez, is to start a band and have the bollix to gerrup on a stage and do it yourself, instead of slaggin off the bands/people who are getting up in front of the ever-cynical audiences of this s**t hole city...
eddiesheridan Basic Member Posts:169  
8/13/2003 8:16 PM |
Taste in bands is subjective. I didnt see The Things gig in the project but i heard it wasnt their best. The First time I saw The Things was in the castle supporting The Subtonics and apart from the wonky stage they were the dogs b****x, but thats only my humble opinion.
The Things have won over the support of that baldy evil little dwarf bp fallon and it has certainly helped them but has probably contributed to the whole " Band wagon" thing.
Dirty propaganda etc are friends of the band so why wouldnt they shout from the rooftops about their mates. Its called supporting your fellow musicians.
Believe you me theres a lot worse out there and getting backing (Dont make me sing the cheeky girls at you)
Theres bands i would go to see again and bands i wouldnt, I vote with my feet but it makes these boards a bit more interesting than to just sit here giving out about that other easy target Hotpress.
Its a damn shame that Da Mouse didnt make the line-up in hwch coz they do have a great sound and are doing the gig circuit the way it should be done. cpu-records has a story on its front page about this shambles.
8/13/2003 10:00 PM |
Ok, Peace03 another friend of the things I presume. Let me re-iterate my point for the idiots who keep putting words in my mouth. I don't have anything personal against the things, as I said I'm sure they're grand lads, I'm just using them as an example to illustrate my point. I don't have anything against unsigned bands who get up and play to cynical crowds, more power to them. What does annoy me though is when bands get hyped up to bits( especially by themselves) and them simlpy don't deliver when it comes to the music. It happened with the thrills. I went to see them in the temple bar m.c. after the N.M.E spent 6 months hyping the bejaysus out of them-they were muck-only played for 35 mins. It just annoys me when there is such a gap between the hype and the music. In the long run it can't be good for music, signed or unsigned.
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
8/13/2003 11:03 PM |
dont fault bands for hyping themself...shameless self promotion is the cornerstone of punk rock..in all its forms...its hard to get ur name out there as it is..it would be even harder if we were all to keep quiet about gigs..about how good we beleved we were..about how good we believed our mates and the bands we love are...bands like the things have won friends and fans through hard work and the propaganda machine....so what! its all good......none of us have advertising bugets yet..none of us can realistically expect to be written about every fortnight in hotpress .... these forums are tools for unsigned bands and their fans to tell the people about themselves as well as anything else......anyone wanna stall it back to my gaf to take yokes this weekend?
cloudedmouse New Member Posts:41  
8/14/2003 1:53 PM |
Hear hear dirty prop! Fez, your original message said, "I was surprised at some of the s**te that we were subjected to under the guise of "fresh unsigned talent". So obviously you were targetting your abuse at more than one band, I didn't need to put words in yer gob. Also Fez if you have to resort to personal attacks on people, calling them idiots, I don't think your views are worth airing here. And I should know cos I write for the Daily Sport....Yeeeooooooww!!!!
billygannon New Member Posts:12  
8/15/2003 2:29 PM |
Anyone go to the Ballroom of Romance birthday bash?
shewolf New Member Posts:59  
8/29/2003 8:47 PM |
i like it ilike it all good stuff.