papa razzo New Member Posts:49  
5/16/2003 1:35 AM |
by a long shot the best portion of other voices was emmet prayerboat tinley's performance shown on net 2 last night.
dare i say it but glen hansard ruined 'it hurts to lose you' which is perhaps the best song to come out of an irish throat ever! in fairness to hansard though i think he knew it.
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
5/16/2003 10:18 AM |
i totally agree emmet tinley is so amazing Glen was singing way to low to compete with the fabulous emmet vocal range tell me this and tell me no more did anyone tape it would i be able to get a copy off someone if they did please god let there be one!!
| Basic Member Posts:201  
5/16/2003 3:53 PM |
gimme a shout space cheeks
id is my email
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
5/19/2003 2:49 PM |
Thanks John
I popped ya a mail
king of nails New Member Posts:85  
5/19/2003 11:27 PM |
yeh i caught that show thanks to a tip on this site (thanks whoever that was, your name escapes me) and i thought it was amazing, esp. the very first song...easily the best edition of other voices i've seen (a lot of it has been muck)...i'm ashamed to say i've no tinley/prayer boat cd's but this may well have to change soon...
space cheeks, i taped it too but it's on the end of 'phoenix nights' series 2 so i'd need it back in one piece!! ("i can do what we want, it's your club!" - brian potter)
king of nails New Member Posts:85  
5/19/2003 11:46 PM |
it was yourself spacecheeks afterall...thanks again for the tip!
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
5/21/2003 2:22 PM |
no worries i think i may get a copy of the show off john if possible!(hopefully)!
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
5/21/2003 2:43 PM |
the prayerboat are always a stunning live experience.
Emmet's voice is outstanding.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
5/21/2003 3:38 PM |
I really thought Polichenille would do something for them, shame. I always remember them being savaged by the musical press here back in their early days. I think it was Hot Press in a review of one of their singles said the haven't got a boat and they haven't got a f**kin prayer.
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
5/21/2003 4:21 PM |
Hotpress are assholes always have been always will be....
The Prayerboat were an amazing and as for polichenille a true gem
I think songs from a room really highlighted this and hopefully emmet will come back and do another gig now that would meke my day!
5/21/2003 8:35 PM |
Sorry you've got it all wrong. Damo Dempsey was the best in
my opinion. The mans a lyrical genious and puts any irish singer
songwriter to shame. I dont think anyone sings about heroin,
irish government greed and every day working class industrial life.
Hats of to him theres no b****x with him, what you see is what you
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
5/21/2003 8:42 PM |
I have to agree with duncan. Damien Dempseys appearence was excellant.
A powerful display. Some great lyrics, simple maybe, but
true all the same...
I also though mark gearys performance was very good..
Josh Ritter comes in a close thrid for me...
Bit dissapointed with the frames.
| Basic Member Posts:201  
5/22/2003 9:49 AM |
havent forgotten ye space cheeks! just trying to organise a second vcr so i can make copies - it'll be after the weekend though...
can i just say - on the topic of "other voices" - the majority of it good, some of its really good and some of it is a bit phnarrrrr. also, i have heard damien rice "blowers daughter" and gerry fish "true friends" enough already to last me a lifetime. why did'nt they put something less predictable on the compilation???? i am sure others like me hit the "skip" button when confronted with this?
also, would like to pay tribute to Martin Finke ~ his song has continued to grow and grow on me. Paddy Casey too (albeit begrudgingly)...
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
5/22/2003 1:24 PM |
I was a bit dissapointed that martin finke didnt get a chance
to play a few more tunes...
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
5/22/2003 3:19 PM |
does anyone know/think that they might release songs on vid/dvd?
perkythepig New Member Posts:44  
5/26/2003 5:39 PM |
quote: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
does anyone know/think that they might release songs on vid/dvd?
Good idea - you would imagine that RTE would look at that but I'd say if they were they'd have been plugging it on the show itself I would have said.
Rumours of another one I think though - they might get around to it for that... 
6/6/2003 6:48 PM |
man yeah, the frames other voices show got me so depressed.. seemed to me it was waaaaaaay mainly glen hansard solos. the frames can ROCK so much, but god, twas a lousy show of it..
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
6/6/2003 7:15 PM |
Hate to spoil the party as usual but personally I find all that faux-pagan new-age schmaltz a bit iffy. Certainly wouldn't doubt the quality of the musicianship, some fine singers, certainly, but it strikes me that most of the "other voices" sail on a ship of empty-metaphor that's long since run-aground. With so many artists virtually indistinguishable from each other, rattling off insincere poetry about sunsets and eskimoes, I'd stand only with Barry McCormack and Katell Keinig.
Ho hum.
conor-immediate Basic Member Posts:100  
6/7/2003 1:00 AM |
Ok, I don't know who those two people you mentioned are, but THANK YOU vandela. Finally someone who sees through that s**t! It seems like it's suddenly ok to sing empty songs as if they are gospel, as long as they're VAGUE enough. I HATE ALL that crap. crap crap crap. Quiet is the new loud? THEN LET'S TURN IT UP. SCREAM FROM THE ROOFTOPS
conor-immediate Basic Member Posts:100  
6/7/2003 1:06 AM |
...not that quiet music is automatically bad by any means. But that music is METAPHORICALLY quiet, almost meta-metaphorically quiet...