5/15/2003 11:28 PM |
After a much debated drunken conversation the other night. My friends and I decided that lyrics mean more to women than men. Does anyone else think this?
What is the most important part of a song? The tunes or the lyrics? Can one work without the other? 
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
5/16/2003 10:21 AM |
music does not need words to make me emotional....
im not really a ''lyrics'' person although there are afew tunes that i could relate to the lyrics uts a bit of a mad one id say 50/50!
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
5/16/2003 2:26 PM |
50/50 too
king of nails New Member Posts:85  
5/19/2003 11:12 PM |
for me, great lyrics are a bonus...there aren't too many good lyricists out there but loads of great musicians...
one of my very favourite albums, loveless by my bloody valentine, has lyrics that are inaudible and even the ones you can make out aren't that inspiring, but they choose to use voice purely as an instrument...
if you take someone like thom yorke though, my opinion is that he has lyrics that i'm sure he feels are insightful and poetic but in reality are unimaginative codswallop...i reckon he is a terrible lyricist but that doesn't stop radiohead being, for the most part, a bloody great band...
i love lyrics that are truly poetic, open to many interpretations and that are expressive and honest...my fave lyricist ever would have to be michael stipe...that guy's head is a fountain of beauty and wonder...
right now, the most beautiful lyrics i know are on sparklhorse's unbelieveably gorgeous 'it's a wonderful life' album...take these examples:
'keep all your crows away
hold skinny wolves at bay
in silver piles of smiles
may all your days be gold my child' (gold day)
'can you feel the winds of venus on your skin?
can you taste the crush of a sunset's dying blush?' (sea of teeth)
i could go on, sorry i f**kin LOVE that album...
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
5/20/2003 1:51 PM |
50/50 for me too. Although I would add that good lyrics can never rescue crap music whereas good music can hide a multitude of lyrical sins. The Cocteau Twins made marvelous music with zero lyrical input.
My own favourite lyrics are from the Trashcan Sinatras - fantastic stuff.
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
5/20/2003 8:03 PM |
i think lyrics are really important. my fav. stuff always marries lyrics+tunes very well. i like a mix of poeticism + humour. above all i like lyrics to be honest. if i hear a guy that i know is from dublin singing in an american accent about growing up in da ghetto or something, that can really ruin a tune for me and make me hate it. also, sometimes you can almost hear a singer saying how much of a genius they wish they were through their lyrics, and that pisses me off too.
king of nails New Member Posts:85  
5/21/2003 12:06 AM |
vent, i rem. discussing the merits of the trash can sinatras at length w. you on a previous post...frank reader is definitely a genius in every way, not least lyrically (and i don't use 'genius' lightly)
and joedolan, mumblin' deaf ro's lyrics are utterly amazing...as is his music...he's a wonderful narrative writer in particular, which is not even usually what i'm into personally...anyone who hasn't got 'senor, my friend...' is really missing out (check out my loving review on this site, under my real name of course!)...
and ditto re. bonnie prince billy (again another loving review on cluas from yours truly on that one)...he writes lyrics that seem a bit underwhelming at first but they are really beautiful in their simplicity...
TIP: you should also try to get hold of a new album by damien jurado called 'where shall you take me?'...it might even be better than 'master and everyone'...it's a very similar album in spirit, trust me, you'd like it!...i couldn't find it in record stores but it only cost me 13 eur thru amazon and i had it in 2 days so balls to tower, hmv etc!
king of nails New Member Posts:85  
5/21/2003 12:09 AM |
good point re. david gray too...his lyrics are appalling esp. on the current album tho' i still maintain that 'white ladder' is a great album despite the uninspired lyrics and despite its overoveroverexposure...
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
5/21/2003 8:43 AM |
White Ladder is quite frankly a bag of urine (IMHO before everyone starts getting arsey). Crap lyrics and pretty ropey tunes. Could never really understand how it became so popular, I always thought that the Phil Collins fans had been mobilised into buying there one CD of the year.
5/21/2003 9:26 AM |
I might swing towards the lyrics here, maybe 55-45. For me, bad lyrics can kill a song, even if it's got great music. Even take Oasis as an example. Some of their tunes might sound generic and kicking if they were instrumentals, but they constantly sing lyrics that look like primary school poetry, "Fade Away, At The End of THe Day, What I'm trying to find, Is all in my mind" and all this crap.
Even some of REM's music would mean nothing without the great lyrics that Stipe writes (example "Drive") and he often carries a song on the basis of his singing alone, (An example "I'll Take The Rain")
As to whether it means more to women or men, I fail to see the relevance. Great music & lyrics are what they are to whatever you are.
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
5/21/2003 10:08 AM |
RE: Oasis lyrics, I know now Mr. Gallagher & Co. write some appalling muck about being a middle aged rock stars sitting in a mansion feeling a bit sad, but in the early days Noel wrote some pretty decent lyrics, Live Forever, Listen Up, Sad Song etc.
As for the topic, good lyrics are very important in a pop song. I mean, it can really make you cringe to hear terrible lyrics. For example, 'I know you got your daddy's eyes, and daddy was an alcoholic', or whatever it goes like.
dr.bongo badly New Member Posts:31  
5/21/2003 1:19 PM |
words are words. It's how you say them or string 'em together.
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peace03 New Member Posts:46  
5/21/2003 6:25 PM |
Paul Weller has written some of the most amazing lyrics, with the Jam, S.C. and solo. Words are great, my favourite one at the moment is frogspawn....hee hee hoo hoo haa haa, so long suckers!!!
P.S. I am a bloke, but I do think birds cop lyrics quicker than fellas, unless your a bit funny....