Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
5/6/2003 8:56 AM |
I note with interest that Blur are album of the month in Uncut and Think Tank has been getting pretty good reviews all round.
I have to say, I admire much of Albarn's vision. There was the cockney wideboy posturing of Parklife long before Jamie Oliver mumbled through his first show, "Girls and Boys" before Sky saw fit to bring us Ibiza Uncovered (black paint to your third eye IMHO) and "Universal" giving a pointer to the inane rubbish that is Big Brother. Added to that, to pull off a stunt like Gorrilaz is really something.
Yet I have never been able to warm to the music. OK, much of the early stuff was throw away but even the recent "serious" albums just haven't moved me at all (apart from the track "Coffee and TV" which was more Coxon). However, what I have heard from Think Tank sounds interesting. So, should I chuck 20 hard earned neurons at a guy who shifted millions of albums with dodgy dance music played by his cartoon alter ego or should I expect to see 20 copies of it on Freebird (second hand shop) in 6 months...opinions please.
5/6/2003 9:48 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Vent My Spleen
Should I chuck 20 hard earned neurons...
20 Euros for a new release? Drop that idea fast! Get it for 13 Euros, P&P included, on (don't go to becuase on the Irish cdwow site they charge 14 Euros for a new release, go instead to the UK site and save yourself a Euro - when you 'check out' your selected goodies and it comes to payment in the 'choose currency' drop down change it from sterling to Euros and you'll see the EUR 12.99 price (well that's the price it is today, it fluctuates day-to-day in and around the 13 Euros mark). The days of paying 20+ euros for a new release are now histroy for me as long as these cdwow lads continue as they do.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
5/6/2003 10:04 AM |
Fair play tobble - CDwow is the way to go alright. I use CDwow a lot -they have a link up with that new Ryanair Online shop which is giving further discounts at the moment. It's a shame they only really specialise in new releases
Anyway, whether 13 or 20 euros, the question still stands...are Blur worth a look or am I going to be disapointed as usual....
Currently Listening to....
(The exceptional but quite mental)
Lift to Experience - Texas Jerusalem Crossroads
5/6/2003 1:19 PM |
A mighty question indeed about the Blur album. But what's this with Uncut magazine choosing an album of the month that's not alt-country (or whatever you want to call it) in flavour? Has there been a coup in the editorial team there? Or has Damon Alburn gone all Ryan Adams or Bonnie Prince Billie in his later years?
Currently Listening to....
the sound of my office's air conditioning.
king of nails New Member Posts:85  
5/13/2003 11:24 PM |
in fairness to uncut, it's not always alt-c. stuff that's lauded, i rem. cornershop got LP of the month for 'handcream..' for example...then again, lucinda williams got last month's vote ahead of the white stripes and yo la tengo...but her's is a super album from what i've heard of it...and bonnie prince's album is the record of the year so far, def...i have to say music from all kinds of sources are given detailed reviews and praise in uncut, even if ryan adams or whoever does get the album of the month maybe unjustifiably ahead of them...i'm thinkin' of people like boards of canada, el-p/cannibal ox, black box recorder etc. who have all gotten great gripe w. uncut at the moment is that they've only released one CD of new music so far this year...
anyways, i bought 'think tank' coz of the uncut review and coz i like the single (and i like the artwork)...have only listened to it twice so far and i'm impressed if not moved by's more of a brain than a heart album at the moment for me...the production is novel and there's a lot going on, but i'm not yet convinced that the songs are there to make it a truly great album...ambulance and sweet song are my immediate favourites, but got to warn you, you'll be sick to the gut of hearing a song called crazy beat in a month's time coz it's def going to be a single and fatboyslim has a hand in the production of's big beat, catchy as hell and pretty great right now but mark my words, we'll never hear the end of it when it's'll be all over daytime radio and every bar in town and you'll be SICK of it very soon!
just on vent my spleen's points re. blur's history, they are one of the v. best pop singles bands ever...and even 'parklife', i think, has aged well, although most would disagree with that i guess...i can still listen w. a pricked ear to songs like 'london loves', 'tracy jacks' and 'to the end' and marvel at their pop genius...
and just thinkin back to the whole blur-v-oasis nonsense...look at them least blur are still making music for all the right reasons, still experimenting and trying to make the best music they can, keeping things fresh...oasis meanwhile.........shudder!!
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
5/15/2003 11:26 AM |
You're dead right about the Oasis V. Blur much as Damon Albarn gets up my nose from time to time they've done so much more quality music - to be able to turn their collective hand from perfect pop tunes like 'Popscene' and 'Bank Holiday' to some really beautiful songs like 'This is a Low', 'For Tomorrow' and 'No Distance Left to Run' - I still think that video Star Shaped is very funny, it follows them on tour when they are playing Glastonbury years ago, they look so young, Damon's wearing a two-tone suit and big doc martins and Graham Coxon's all Jarvis cool in black rimmed shades....I haven't heard anything off the new album bar the single. Do you think Coxon's demise is apparant? Didn't he play on a couple of tracks? Think I read he said he thought the whole thing was a pile of s**te.
conor-immediate Basic Member Posts:100  
5/15/2003 6:26 PM |
no, Graham Coxon only plays on the last track of the album: "Put A Battery in Your Leg". It's a beautiful riff he plays, though. A great song too. A few of the songs on the album are really good, i think, but there's a few arty experiments which just sound lazy. And one penky tune like "Bank Holiday" which is crap.
Coxon's solo albums are really good. I think him and Jonny Greenwood are the two best guitarists of recent times, but Coxon is more subtle in his genius, whereas Greenwood is more bombastic. Although I love that thing he does when they play Morning Bell live, when he hits the strings in an out-of-sync, but still in-time rhythm. very cool.
conor-immediate Basic Member Posts:100  
5/15/2003 6:27 PM |
'penky' = punky
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
5/16/2003 2:38 PM |
I like Coxon..he has that quiet geeky cool thing going on... and he used to look rather tasty in his stripey (sp?) blazers, might be a bit too posh for me though...Ha ha ha!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
5/20/2003 1:59 PM |
From what I've read recently, you are quite likely to find him passed out in a gutter in Camden which doesn't sound too posh to me at all! As a matter of fact, I was in Camden a few months ago on a Tuesday evening and it looked more like Baghdad than the bohemian arty enclave it used to be.
Coxon's solo stuff is interesting, quite folky in ways. However, his vocals are weak and I think he needs a singer to do justice to his patently tortured muse.
king of nails New Member Posts:85  
5/21/2003 12:13 AM |
i actually think coxon's voice is deadly...even on 'coffee + tv'...deadpan delivery rules sometimes!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
5/21/2003 8:47 AM |
Actually, Coffee & TV is my fav Blur song, the guitar work is fantastic. Coxon's delivery is quite deadpan alright and is fine for the odd tune here and there but a whole album becomes hard work. Sadly, this seems to be the rock many a guitar legend perishes upon - ditto for Johnny Marr and John Squire (of course, Coxon's work is far more interesting musically that the rot the other two have produced as solo offerings)