4/7/2003 5:04 PM |
Howdy all,
I recently read an interview with Melanie C and she said she would rather die than go on a Spice Girls reunion tour. Can I just say for the record that the rest of us would probably rather die too than see that happening. Sure the mere thought of it is enough to give me the s**ts.
One thing I will say though is that to me, the Spice Girls were an absolute joke. The fact that women have much more equality today than as little as 2 decades ago, to me that was completley and utterly derived and made a joke of by the "Girl Power" s**te that was so predominant in the 90s. I suppose its being kept alive by Britney & Christine and all that, but I like to think that this laughable affair is dying out.
Women's much deserved equality was overdue and this girl power stuff could only have damaged it, in my humblest of opinions of course.
Anybody agree/disagree?
I implore the females to answer this one.
Q2 (I'm a man by the way)
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
4/8/2003 11:45 AM |
Q2 are you trying to get in the girlie camp? ha ha ha only jokin'!
You're totally right...the spice girls did nothing for women bar set them back by another 100 years...lets me clear about one thing though it's nothing to do with music, the Spice Girls have nothin to do with music. They were a bit of a laugh, a joke band, a money spinner, in an indirect way they encouraged young girls (and I mean young, my 5 year old half sister was mad into them at the time) to speak their minds and have an opinion, which is great. But one thing I think they have done, is to sexulaise those young fans..now you can't blame the s**te girls for that alone, cos there are a million bands out there like them - but they kind of started it, opened a can of worms so to speak. While in one sense saying to their fans "you can wear what you want to wear, you can be who you want to be, you can do anything you put your mind to" was refreshing in a world of vanity-driven self-obssession, it's kind of sad to see little 5 and 6 year olds acting like grown women, they aren't playin with dolls they're playin with mobile phones and waering boob tubes. The spice girls aren't the sole reason for this, but didn't help. I've spent ages trying to get my little blister to listen to anything but manufactured pop and she's havin none of it (I heard her singing that s**t dance/pop song "I wanna have sex on the beach" and I freaked out, but she didn't even know what she was saying. Is anyone else feelin really old these days cos kids really seem to be growin up so quickly. My ma's friend got a phone call the other day to say that her 10 year old son was in the hospital having his stomach pumped - he drank a bottle of vodka to himself.
What a scab.
Ha ha aha aha aha aha
I think the likes of Avril Lavine, Kelly Osbourne et al are far better in that they might just encourage girls to get into music, play an actual instrument and not have to get their tits out for the boys to get attention. When they get old enough they'll realise what's s**t music and what's decent. I hope.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
4/8/2003 11:52 AM |
Actually while we are on the subject of women in music....Appleton and Sugababes are playin Witnness..........
...which leaves me to wonder...out of all the female bands/members of bands that are playin...are any of them NOT in a gammy pop band?
Is Gemma Hayes not playing again this year? She's not too bad.
After that it's a big boys party.
4/8/2003 1:19 PM |
Get into the girl's camp? Hmmm, that sounds absolutely spanking.
(s**t, should have just thought that, not typed it)
4/8/2003 2:11 PM |
Nice one Dromed.
Maybe it is people like us who are feeling old because of all of this. I think all this Britney, Christine, Spice Girls s**te was and only ever will be a fashion statement which is rubbing off today more than ever. My 14 year old niece has got tonnes of t-shirts that say "In Your Dreams Baby" and stuff like that across the front. And yes, it's mobile phones and high heels instead of dolls and tape players. At a family party last year, she had to go home early because she was too pissed & stoned to stay (at 14 years of age? I'd have been shot!) Still, it wouldn't be fair to say that music is responsible for all this, it's all part and parcel of ongoing technology, economics, commercialism and the like.
To get back to the original point, I would agree that there are now a lot of female artists that may inspire at least some of the younger and older women these days without resorting to the "tits out" routine. Maybe that's a beneficiary of the equality thing I was mentioning earlier, maybe it's not, I don't know. Either way, It's just good to see.
PS Witnness should get Nina Hynes back again, she was brilliant last year
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
4/8/2003 2:42 PM |
yeah she was good at Witnness...she did a Stooges cover too. We're playin with her in whelans next week.
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
4/8/2003 2:46 PM |
As yes.
Granpa: I used to be with it, then they changed what it was, now what's it seems strange and frightening to me and it will happen to you too.
Homer: No way man! We're going keep rocking forever, forever, forever...
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
4/9/2003 12:53 PM |
*lol* ...So true !!!
nessy Basic Member Posts:106  
4/9/2003 3:09 PM |
Have any of you guys seen Mel C live? I've seen her twice and she was awesome both times!
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
4/10/2003 12:47 PM |