dropkick New Member Posts:1  
3/12/2003 4:17 PM |
Thanks for the intrest,and the comment.This was our first gig together.We formed 9 months ago.We're based in Dublin playing all original material.Got 15 tracks recorded between Oct 02 and Jan 03,and are looking to get as many gigs as we can,either support or headline we have nothing in the pipeline at the mo so any help would be appricated.Thanks again.Regards Dec (modesty)
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
3/13/2003 9:54 AM |
As one of the moderators of this board I have the privilege of being able to see the IP number from which any message is posted (to see your current IP number visit http://www.netins.net/dialup/tools/my_ip.shtml). I note that 'dropkick' who started this particular thread posted his initial message from a particular IP number that corresponds to a large US pharmaceutical company who have offices in Castlebar and Dublin. 'Deco' who replied to the message posted his reply from EXACTLY the same IP number. While I admit that 'Deco' and 'dropkick' may be completely different people who do not know each other but happen to work for the same company it also raises the possibility that they are the same individual. That this individual may also be a member of a band called Modesty who has taken the intiative to post some praising comments about said band under the pretence of being a punter who attended one of their recent gigs is also a possibility, at least based on the information at hand. This practice is obviously deceiving and is not in line with the overall spirit of the CLUAS Discussion board. It is also not something consistent with that fine human trait with which the band chose to label themselves - modesty.
3/13/2003 1:28 PM |
Very well spotted Eoghan. You're not a hacker at weekends, are you?
Seriously though, assuming you're right and this is a deception, it does seem a bit desperate. Come on boys, all you have to do is advertise properly and have a bit of faith in yourselves. There are more than enough punters on this site and in Dublin who will give new bands a fair crack of the whip, without resorting to this sort of thing.
That's assuming that this deception theory is true of course.
3/13/2003 2:07 PM |
My apoligies to one and all for any confusion,the original mesage was posted by a work mate,unknown to me at the time.It was answered in good faith.Regards Dec
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
3/13/2003 2:53 PM |
Thanks for the prompt clarification. Another coincidence I just noted - both yourself and 'dropkick' share the trait of typing sentences without putting a space between a fullstop and the start of the next sentence (or after a comma for that matter). I could be facetious and say it was the air-conditioning in your office or the grub in the canteen that is to blame for this shared tendency, but I won’t go there. Your employer would probably sue me or something. Darned American corporations. Anyway, best of luck with the band.
3/13/2003 3:29 PM |
I can assure you we are not the same person Eoghan.I answered the post in good faith.I am now the brunt of an office slagging.This is what you get for giving them a good night out.Thanks for the good wishes.regards Dec.
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
3/13/2003 4:44 PM |
The benefit of the doubt is all yours! Anyway, moving on, I think Modesty is a great name for a band. And you say you've got some stuff recorded. Send a track in and we'll get it up on the CLUAS MP3 section.
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
3/14/2003 9:31 AM |
Eoghan, are you some kind of FBI profiler? must dash... there's a SWAT team at the perimeter fence - damn you to hell O'Neill....................!
3/14/2003 12:53 PM |
MP3 on the way, you should get it over the weekend. Happy St Paddy's by the way. Thanks again, Regards Dec
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
3/15/2003 11:41 AM |
Hey john@soundweb.ie,
"FBI profiler"? Nah, not exciting enough. But as yer man Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems famously said a few years back: "You have no privacy on the internet, just get over it."