ted_maul New Member Posts:7  
3/3/2003 1:50 AM |
I see Listo and the Things have achieved the dizzying heights of playing Eamonn Dorans. Good one. Good hair.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/3/2003 9:57 AM |
Ahh Ted ..it's good to have you drop back in again to raise another useful point about music. But seriously, I think there is a little more to you then you're letting on - you obviously went out with 1 or all of the members of each band and are a bitter ex!!! You are starting to sound a bit obsessed at this stage. Get over it.
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
3/3/2003 2:06 PM |
so bitter ted.
dromed is right, you must at least know these guys on a personal level to be so bitter. i bet you even kiss ass when you meet them. don't cry about it ted. they'll get theirs someday.
ted_maul New Member Posts:7  
3/3/2003 11:35 PM |
No bitterness. If i saw the lads i would do the same thing i'd always, laugh at their massively inflated sense of their own importance. besides, how can i be jealous of a band playing Eamonnn Dorans?
Now if you'll excuse me, i've got a gig in whelans to play.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/4/2003 2:17 PM |
ted_maul New Member Posts:7  
3/7/2003 9:13 PM |
Wow, that is a top drawer rebutall my good man. Reside to defeat and we'll hear no more of this. I wish this was the case for The Things, Listo, f**king clouded mouse and any other rediculous fossilised relics with stupid hair cuts and even worse msuic. Don't forget, thanks to vodafone, a generation knows what bad music is, for that i am perpetually grateful.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/10/2003 2:13 PM |
1. "rediculous fossilised relics "(sic)? You've clearly never seen these bands play
2. Still going on about haircuts Ted...really is that the best you can do?
3. I'd be grateful too....if you would learn how to spell properly ....and actually add something to this forum that is of interest to any of the other readers/posters. It's unfortunate that you don't have anything to talk about bar this old and dull topic.
The general cluas community (*lol*!!) seem to have come to an unspoken agreement - to agree to disagree about certain bands/types of music - ...every one is entitled to their opinion ...no one has ANY interest in hearing yours repeated over and over again, every time you post Ted, so how about you do a little growing up and come back to us when you have something like an intelligent comment or point to make?
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
3/10/2003 4:00 PM |
ted, that's great! a gig in whelans? i'm well impressed. you're band is clearly far superior to listo, what with them only playing in eamonn dorans and all. and what about that boyzone band. clearly the best band of all time. how many nights in a row did they sell out in the point theatre?
if you're going to tell me that you weren't actually talking about quality of music, just size of venue, then i have to say you're no better than louis walsh if that's all you care about. (except that you're a failed version of him).
by the way, why don't you tell us what your band is called?
eddiesheridan Basic Member Posts:169  
3/11/2003 5:51 PM |
Ted u obviously have a strong opinion on the likes of listo and clouded mouse and other bands doing the rounds at the minute and u dont like them.Im not a fan of the mullet haircut myself and neither are u. These lads have the courage of their convictions and are out there actually doing something with their lives and their music.You let yourself down by slagging bands playing dorans when a lot of bands have played there.Excusing yourself to go play whelans gave me a giggle.Most of these bands are together under 3 years so calling them fossils is another way of showing your ignorance.Disagree if and when u want after all this is a forum but show some decorum in da forum otherwise u are just wasting all our time.One final thing i would say is wear your badge proudly and tell us which band you do play in if you do at all so we can critique your work hopefully more favourably than you do to your fellow musicians
3/12/2003 1:37 PM |
I would like to start by saying sorry to the Things, Listo and Clouded mouse. Also, the people of this forum for my unwanted sons stupidity. I totaly agree with what you's are all saying about him. But what you don't no is. He's a sad lonely boy who just sits facing his computer all day. When he's not spitting out his envy in his own unique twisted way, he hides under his covers
w a n k i n g to his ordinance survay map of Wexford st., which was actually published by the devil himself, Mr.Louis Walsh. He also has very bad social skills and finds lashing out at others will help his lonelyness. I beg of you all to stop replying to anything he writes, as it will only make him worse.
Yours truely,
Kay Maul.
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
3/12/2003 2:09 PM |
Hello Ted, I'm Stevo from Clouded Mouse. I haven't replied to many forums lately as it all seems to be a stupid way for fellow Irish bands to take potshots at each other.
First things first, lets get this immature haircut thing out of the way. I am the only member of Clouded Mouse with long hair and it isn't a mullet, it's more the style of the Byrds. The rest of my bandmates have average haircuts and this doesn't bother me or them as we are more interested in our music, not our image. In saying that, there's nothing wrong with an image, loads of bands and artists have had an image to go with their music, the Beatles, Sex Pistols, Planxty(hairy beards and wooly jumpers), Nirvana.
Secondly, if you really had your ear to the ground you would know that Clouded Mouse and Listo played Whelans in January. And what a night it was, it was jam packed and the crowd really, really enjoyed it. I have photos to prove it. Another thing on the venues, we play anywhere, whether it be Whelans or our local GAA club. We don't like to get snobby about where we will play or if were supporting or headlining because as far as we are concerned, we love playing music and just want to get up there and enjoy it.
Thirdly, I have seen Listo play a few times now and they're one of my favourite bands along with Billy No Mate. I haven't seen the Things play but I got a demo from them,(no charge, cheers Vinny), and I can't wait to see them. What makes them all better is that I have met and had converstaions with them all now and they are sound lads.
And finally, Ted, if you would be so nice as to give me the name of your band and the date of your next gig, I will definitely go along if I can. I promise to forget all the stuff everyone has written on the forum and will sit down and have a pint with you. Or if you prefer, come along to one of our gigs and I'll talk to you after that. In fact, I'll actually buy you a pint, now you can't say fairer than that. Maybe if we all knew each other better, we'd understand each others music more and all of our bands would have a better chance of making it.
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
3/12/2003 2:40 PM |
P.S. As Columbo would say, just one more thing, we are supporting Listo on the 21st of March in DA2, if you would like to come along to that or in The Stables in Mullingar on the 22nd. We will also be playing a charity do in the Isaac Butt on the 19th with some other bands. You can also catch Clouded Mouse on tour around Ireland with Lipfloater from America at various venues around the country from the 21st to the 26th of April.
As I said there is a pint in it for you Ted and I promise....no hard feelings.
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
3/12/2003 4:40 PM |
quote: Originally posted by teds-ma
I would like to start by saying sorry to the Things, Listo and Clouded mouse. Also, the people of this forum for my unwanted sons stupidity. I totaly agree with what you's are all saying about him. But what you don't no is. He's a sad lonely boy who just sits facing his computer all day. When he's not spitting out his envy in his own unique twisted way, he hides under his covers
w a n k i n g to his ordinance survay map of Wexford st., which was actually published by the devil himself, Mr.Louis Walsh. He also has very bad social skills and finds lashing out at others will help his lonelyness. I beg of you all to stop replying to anything he writes, as it will only make him worse.
Yours truely,
Kay Maul.
tee hee 