2/4/2003 12:31 PM |
Did anyone watch the programme about Micheal Jackson. Holy s**t he's so f**ked up its not even funny. I mean he thinks he's peter pan. It was a disturbing look at one of the worlds most famous men. Who's to blame for his fragile state' society or his dad ( did anyone think he was out of is ead when he was feeding his baby!) Lets not even get into sharing beds and holding hands. Dark.........
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
2/4/2003 1:01 PM |
in the words of bonnie prince billy - i (most certainly) see a darkness!!!! its scary that the chap sees nothing untoward or out of order in what hes doing..and its disturbing that he expects the rest of the world to believe his every word. maybe deep down his intentions are good...but its all too f**ked up for words..ur dead right duncan my man
2/4/2003 1:46 PM |
How can somebody be so far removed from reality? 'Tis shockin. Surrounded by his own Yes men (/children). No operations, two operations...one made him very ill and pale! Children as a present! I certainly wouldn't let my child stay with him, I don't have any children but they're still not getting to stay with him.
Children over the balcony, child shaking on his 'knee', one hopes.... he seemed distracted at the time.
Only people who know him well let their kids stay stay over! Then presumably they're very insulted that Whacko thinks their kids are love starved or else the folks are arming themselves for a princely compensation operation...which whacko will have forgotten about next week. Disgraceful.
morello New Member Posts:72  
2/4/2003 2:53 PM |
Of course he's f**ked up, he recorded his first Album at the age of 8 and spent his childhood rehearsing, touring and recording with his dad beating the s**t out of him and his family who hated him because he was the most talented.... I'm not surprised.... poor guy.
f**k that, to me he'll always be the great artist who made beautful records like Thriller
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
2/4/2003 8:23 PM |
and will hitler to u always be the great german statesman who comissioned the design of the volkswagon beetle and made the trains run on time????
there is no excuse for abusing the trust and innocence of children..even if u yourself were abused as a child...michael jackson may be too f**ked up to realise the total wrongness of is actions..but anyone defending him i think should ask themselves a question or 2
morello New Member Posts:72  
2/5/2003 10:25 AM |
C'mon this is just silly, of course I wouldn't defend a paedophile...! (sp..?)
But you don't know if he's actually "abusing the trust and innocence of children"... do you trust the media?
I just said I'm not surprised if he's f**ked up and I used to love his music, that's it.
ramalama New Member Posts:11  
2/5/2003 1:04 PM |
Ah yeah,
You've put your foot in it now pervey Morello. People like you should be shot. Its not only the rich and famous that need there hard drivers checked. I think your in the wrong chat room BUD.
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
2/5/2003 1:23 PM |
What a documentary! Wacko jacko indeed....
Its a sad story though .... The guy is so talented and has just had a terrible upbringing which is the reason for is current mental state. I don't think he has an evil bone in his body, he's living in a peter pan world for f**k sake. In opinion, I don't think hes 'touching' the kids, he thinks hes a kid himself.
As for the '2' nose jobs - pull the other MJ.
morello New Member Posts:72  
2/5/2003 1:50 PM |
quote: Originally posted by ramalama
Ah yeah,
You've put your foot in it now pervey Morello. People like you should be shot. Its not only the rich and famous that need there hard drivers checked. I think your in the wrong chat room BUD.
Just to make it clear: I'm not a bleeding paedophile or anything, don't be silly FFS!
I just said that MJ, despite being evidently mentally disturbed, maybe is not a sexual offender.
Eric here, who seems to have a bit more brain, got the point right
Before making such heavy insinuations, you should *read* the posts
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
2/5/2003 2:16 PM |
quote: Originally posted by ramalama
Ah yeah,
You've put your foot in it now pervey Morello. People like you should be shot. Its not only the rich and famous that need there hard drivers checked. I think your in the wrong chat room BUD.
NOBODY ..and I mean NOBODY in this forum is condoning Paedophilia...
You are making stupid allegations against Morello.....
Morello is obviously a fan of Jackson and like Eric also believes in his innocence in this matter....
I saw the documentary and I think that Jackson has the mental age of child and saw nothing wrong in his own actions or comments.
Did you actually see the documentary yourself ?
You should maybe take a little more time to READ the posts you reply to especially when make serious, offensive and irresponsible accusations against other people..
.. common sense please people !
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
2/5/2003 2:28 PM |
........as should you!
if he actually thought that you were a paedophile, i doubt that he would be so jocular.
if you read the tone of ramalama's post, he's obviously taking the piss, and probably very pleased that you are offended.
morello New Member Posts:72  
2/5/2003 2:31 PM |
Some nice sense of humour, huh?
Thanks Wicker, it's too late though: I had a picture of ramalama on my hard-disk and, being him aged 9, I was arrested :)
Laters, A.
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
2/5/2003 2:47 PM |
quote: Originally posted by joedolan
........as should you!
if he actually thought that you were a paedophile, i doubt that he would be so jocular.
if you read the tone of ramalama's post, he's obviously taking the piss, and probably very pleased that you are offended.
Tone ... what Tone ?
the only Tone I read was
"you should be shot.. " etc etc
Firstly, I fail to see the sarcasm in those comments.
Tone my arse.
There is no such thing as tone in written statements like that.
Secondly I have nothing to be offended about...
As it turns out I know Morello and he is not Irish and would take these comments literally.
So I just defended him in what I deemed were unfair accusations.
..as for you ... I don't care what your opinion is, I was directing the comment at Ramalama and I'm sure he doesn't need you to hold his hand for him.
morello New Member Posts:72  
2/5/2003 3:15 PM |
Hey let it go, no need for further discussions, we all understood it was just a (bad) joke, alright? It's easy to misundertand irony on the internerd.
Thanks anyway for caring about my linguistic difficulties pal.... I'll learn one day... I'll learn 
Take care, A.
2/6/2003 11:48 AM |
Wicker....calm yourself. It's just a sense of humour!
The point here is that if he does, as you say have a mantal age of a child, then he shouldn't be looking after kids on his own and he certaintly shouldn't be getting them as presents should he? I think the parents of the kids he 'looks after' should be brought into the equation too. Why choose this disturbed man as a child minder? Love my arse. Love or money!!!
ramalama New Member Posts:11  
2/6/2003 1:15 PM |
Wicker, Wicker, Wicker. You sad git. I thought someone like you, who is an expert in tone reading would have noticed i was only having a laugh. Id say Merollo took it on the chin. Unlike you. As for holding hands, i may have made a mistake. You say Morello ain't irish. He wouldn't happen to be a child from Thailand, you have held captive. Thats the last on this subject, your making me sick, Wicker.
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
2/7/2003 9:38 AM |
Right I've had my time to calm down.
Firstly .. I'd like to apologise to everyone for my irate responses at the time.
That's the last time that I will post while having a "bad day at the office"...
"Furious" - Yes, I totally agree with you. As far as I'm concerned Jackson is not stable enough to look after a family pet.. let alone children. I was a little too annoyed to get that point across also.
"Joe Dolan" - I owe you a serious apology, I was very rude in my reply to you and I now realise you were doing nothing more than trying to diffuse the conversation... Sorry Joe
"Ramalama" - I owe you an apology also...
But I'm not going to enter a slagging match with you, I've better things to be doing.
Suffice to say that sometimes what may seem funny at the time of writing a post, does not always come across very funny when reading it !
(especially when dealing with Serious Subject matter)
I was only defending a friend... sorry !
Subject Closed !
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
2/7/2003 1:13 PM |
jaysus someones losin sleep over this s**te anyway
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
2/7/2003 1:40 PM |
international fame is a relitively new phenomenon, the world never had anything like it before the last 100 years. jackson is a example of how fame, especially as a child, can f**k you up.
addicted to plastic surgery though... thats crazy.