joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
1/29/2003 12:06 PM |
is the man an irish vincent gallo? a genius with a prolific muse who was tipped by in dublin magazine to become a well deserving star and was deservedly gushed over by hotpress, or is he just an wannabe?
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
1/29/2003 1:56 PM |
i think he's great but i only have one album
still its a class album
babayaka New Member Posts:33  
1/29/2003 3:53 PM |
sounds like your jealous joe,
personally I'd prefer Steve, than Glen, Glen is about a genuine as Bertie Ahern at anti american stop over party.
but sure of course your an expert. I'm sure since your out there gigging and dealing with the irish music industry day after day your completely wel grounded in your remarks.
I personally don't like steves music but he is still a pretty ok guy at the end of the day, and wouldn't judge someone on their music alone. 
i don't think you've done a good song since make me an Island as well. 
so there!!
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
1/29/2003 7:01 PM |
Oh, leave him alone. I'm not a fan of Fanagan either but JD's comments are indicitive of a particularly irritating attitude going on around this board at the moment. Have a look at the "Who will be the band of 2003": it's all Listo, Hi-Rise, Listo, Hi-Rise. Less than 12 months ago it was NPB, Dudley, El Diablo, David Kitt, Jimmy Cake. When will you people ever get it through your head that very few people are born with an album of wonderful songs in their head? You ask me, it takes most bands three or four years of solid gigging and writing before they even BEGIN to get good. So, lay off a while: let people develop a bit before you start writing them off.
king of nails New Member Posts:85  
1/30/2003 11:33 PM |
haven't heard steve fanagan's own music much but his contribution to and production of paul o'reilly's brilliant "first thing in the morning" album was refreshingly inventive...and joedolan, settler are not s**t!
1/31/2003 12:14 PM |
Steve Fanagan is probably the best guitar player in Dublin.
Unfortunately, I don't think he realises this and keeps trying to write songs.
Songs are dead.
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
1/31/2003 12:58 PM |
sounds more like gavin friday
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/31/2003 2:24 PM |
" JD's comments are indicitive of a particularly irritating attitude going on around this board at the moment. Have a look at the "Who will be the band of 2003": it's all Listo, Hi-Rise, Listo, Hi-Rise. Less than 12 months ago it was NPB, Dudley, El Diablo, David Kitt, Jimmy Cake. When will you people ever get it through your head that very few people are born with an album of wonderful songs in their head? You ask me, it takes most bands three or four years of solid gigging and writing before they even BEGIN to get good. So, lay off a while: let people develop a bit before you start writing them off. " -
Vandala what's your point....? The bands that are being talked about on this site...whoever they are, are been talked about because people are going to their gigs and enjoying them. The likes of Hansard etc gettin' the backs ripped off them is a result of him being full of his own self-importance. The Dudleys and the Jimmy Cake etc are still around and still making good music. If you feel there needs to be a wider reflection of musical taste and opinion on this forum then by all means start some threads and start talking about the bands you feel are worth mentioning - But when you say "will you people ever get it through your head that very few people are born with an album of wonderful songs in their head? You ask me, it takes most bands three or four years of solid gigging and writing before they even BEGIN to get good. So, lay off a while: let people develop a bit before you start writing them off" who are you supposed to be referring to?
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
1/31/2003 7:27 PM |
The point I was trying to make -- and I didn't make it very clearly, to be fair -- is that a huge amount of the commentary on this board is all very flash-in-the-pan; here-today-gone-tomorrow kind of stuff. Bands like the Frames who've stuck around and carved some kind of loyalty for themselves are generally written-off as yesterday's news, merely because they've persisted. If you look at the rather sad (in its literal sense) history of Irish rock n'roll the story usually goes: "yeah, yeah, great band; what a pity they didn't live up to all that potential". Obvious pointers here would be people like Microdisney, The Blades, The Stars of Heaven, The Sewing Room, Jubilee, etc. The situation nowadays, as I see it, is very much like in the 1980s. There's very little respect for craft; spending time writing songs, releasing quality music and deservedly building up a following. Instead we have to endure rather petulant teenagers(?) who are all clamouring for attention with their silly little rock-bands and don't even bother thinking twice about making an appearance in a Vodaphone ad. It's all swagger, with very little solidity behind it. The attitude that has so irritated me, which you'll also find in the Frames thread, is this petty mud-slinging at people who are actually trying to do something, as opposed to just shouting about. My argument has got very little to do with personal taste: you're hardly "past it" just because you've released a couple of albums.
Then I suppose, I was 17 once, too.
2/3/2003 9:25 AM |
Hello Joe,
Steve did not sign us to his label, he just very kindly allowed us to use his mangomusic logo on our first ep just to help us out. He also very kindly passed our first video on to Leagues from No Disco. He is a very nice man and I won't have a word said against him.
Just for the record, like.
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
placidpr New Member Posts:8  
2/5/2003 7:54 PM |
I think it's better to try and highlight the good things, because some times (they go unnoticed)thay can end up helping a situation out and giving a positve outcome.
by the way I think the settler stuff is quiet nice.
ted_maul New Member Posts:7  
2/8/2003 9:38 PM |
Steve Fanagan - Not bad.
Listo - A joke that wears stupid shiny shoes.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/10/2003 1:44 PM |
Ahh you again Ted....the words 'chip' and 'shoulder' spring to mind no??.....can anyone tell me when anyone's shoes had any significance in music?? Now no doubt Dirtpropaganda will be straight on to remind me of Elton John and his fantastic collection (*lol*) and Ramalama...I know you are dying to tell us about those killer heels you got last weekend..and RedRum defo has a welly fetish...but you know I just don't see the wears silly shoes must = bad that's most of Ireland f*cked that really the extent of your contribution to this forum Ted.....what a shame.
Kajagoogoo New Member Posts:19  
2/10/2003 1:53 PM |
"Instead we have to endure rather petulant teenagers(?) who are all clamouring for attention with their silly little rock-bands and don't even bother thinking twice about making an appearance in a Vodaphone ad. It's all swagger, with very little solidity behind it. The attitude that has so irritated me, which you'll also find in the Frames thread, is this petty mud-slinging at people who are actually trying to do something"
In saying that are u not mudslinging yourself.Have you or Ted ever actually seen Listo or are u just forming an opinion based on what you have seen or heard other people say?I personally think Listo are a great band and they don,t deserve the stick they have been receving on this thread.
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
2/10/2003 10:35 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Kajagoogoo
they don,t deserve the stick they have been receving on this thread.
this is petty but....
i suppose the frames and steve fanagan do
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
2/11/2003 6:54 PM |
Indeed. It appears I have been ensnared. Let me state I have no particular truck with Listo or Hi-Rise. For the record, my comments here were in response to two posts; this one (Steve Fanagan) and another one, “Down with the Framesâ€. In the latter, the postee encouraged the masses to don “f**k the frames†t-shirts. In the former, we were reliably informed that Mister Fanagan is a “cocksuckerâ€. My comments were directed largely at the kind of people that post stuff like that, but not necessarily to the bands themselves.
Having said that, one would think that a band making a gratuitous appearance on an ad for a telecommunications corporation that purports to hijack rock n’roll and sell it back as a fashion accessory is a crime of some magnitude on the rock-n-roll-credibility-meter. If I remember rightly, the main criticism surrounding Mr. Hansard was that he “spoke too much on stageâ€, while Fanagan…is just…um…boring.
I remain your loyal servant,
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
2/13/2003 1:10 PM |
Why do you think Listo has anything to do with "down with the frames" quote you you silly person...i quite like the frames.
And to set things straigth about the Vodafona ad. It was a pure accident, you seen the amount of people on those ads in the summer. What do think we done to get on it, resite quotes from hamlet!
Indeed. It appears I have been ensnared. Let me state I have no particular truck with Listo or Hi-Rise. For the record, my comments here were in response to two posts; this one (Steve Fanagan) and another one, “Down with the Framesâ€. In the latter, the postee encouraged the masses to don “f**k the frames†t-shirts. In the former, we were reliably informed that Mister Fanagan is a “cocksuckerâ€. My comments were directed largely at the kind of people that post stuff like that, but not necessarily to the bands themselves.
Having said that, one would think that a band making a gratuitous appearance on an ad for a telecommunications corporation that purports to hijack rock n’roll and sell it back as a fashion accessory is a crime of some magnitude on the rock-n-roll-credibility-meter. If I remember rightly, the main criticism surrounding Mr. Hansard was that he “spoke too much on stageâ€, while Fanagan…is just…um…boring.
I remain your loyal servant,
snakybus New Member Posts:57  
2/13/2003 5:15 PM |
stuff I did today:
read this thread
ate some leaves
investigated a thesis on the punctuation in a 6000-word german poem
watched some air
thought about which is better - turnips or the element potassium
Guess which of these activities was the most pointless?
Settler are a bunch of dorks by the way, who spend most of their time playing with each other's giggle sticks.