king of nails New Member Posts:85  
1/8/2003 12:07 AM |
i'd imagine this has been discussed many times before on cluas but who in the music world would you most like to invite in for a quick stomach-settling cup of tea at 4am, then chat idly with while enduring those awkward silences, eventually glide in on the sofa beside and start fumbling with tentatively in anticipation of the hopefully inevitable multi-hour session of relentless sweaty dirty action which you will next day tell all your mates about in fine and exaggerated detail?...
for me it's got to be stina nordenstam (she's swedish but not blonde!) while listening to her album 'and she closed her eyes'...hope sandoval (ex-mazzy star) is staggeringly gorgeous and would be erotic beyond belief i'd imagine...gemma hayes is an obvious choice - she's like a refined version of kylie looks-wise...meg white (stripe) is uniquely entrancing...and if i were a woman, i'm sure i'd fancy wayne coyne of the flaming lips...that beard is class!...can't think of any more right now but i'm sure i can add to that list later...
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
1/9/2003 5:51 PM |
hehehe i remember i thought the same about wayne coin and i was dissapointed to discover that girls i knew didnt seem to agree.
my vote would have to go with jossie and the pu**ycats.(have u seen the film?).
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
1/9/2003 6:00 PM |
they edited pu**y! how stupid!
i have a big cock and several hens also.
i'm sorry i know i'm so immature.
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
1/10/2003 1:08 PM |
kim deel from her breeder days
1/12/2003 2:14 PM |
Can we call kate moss a rock star since she sings on the new Scream album, oh id love to kiss her fury vangita. Also Holly Valance dirty dirty girl.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
1/12/2003 3:31 PM |
king of nails New Member Posts:85  
1/12/2003 6:55 PM |
ah come on, holly valance is about as dirty as a bottle of jif
femmefatale New Member Posts:23  
1/14/2003 12:39 PM |
that lad from the vines, wow,,,
and all the libertines,,,
nic and fab from the strokes,,,why aren't irish guys like that??
sylish, androgynous and sexy...
1/14/2003 2:07 PM |
If you like the look of the libertines check out the guitarist in Listo.
To name but a few of my beaus - Beck, Brian Jones, Conrad From Trail of Dead (pre-burgers)and in a strange looks-like-he-might-hit-me-when-riding-me way the bass player from Interpol.
Oh yeah and Paddy Casey....Joke!!!!
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/14/2003 2:16 PM |
| dirty sadist....I think you and i are related - non?
1/14/2003 2:27 PM |
Does that mean you agree?
femmefatale New Member Posts:23  
1/15/2003 9:14 AM |
YOU MUST be kidding redrum!
I want a real man, not some juvenile mod pretender,,,
ha only messin, honsestly, he's a very nice guy and a great guitarist, just not my type!
some more ideas please, cila,you're on the right track!
1/15/2003 10:29 AM |
This is a pretty dumb thread, but nevertheless, I think Meg White is very cute. And you've gotta love Kylie's new saucy approach, love that "Can't get you out of my head" video. Incidently, am I the only guy on earth who doesn't think Gemma Hayes is a walking object of unspeakable sexual attraction?
PS Christina Augelera is detestable.
afro1001 New Member Posts:73  
1/15/2003 2:41 PM |
funny headline in the paper last sunday "nobody recognises irelands answer to kylie" havent heard gemma hayes described as that before
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
1/15/2003 6:30 PM |
i have rode and probabaly would like to ride on another occasion the following rockstars .... and i use the term loosely
debbie gibson
the ugly one that they threw out of atomic kitten for being a slut
the one out of listo that looks like pete doherty
the black fella out of listo (although technically he raped me)
mary black
frances black
martine mc cutcheon
gareth gates's ma
actually im lying...i havent got me bit since 94 the way mc cabe im on to ya!!!! ya slut
1/17/2003 12:50 PM |
This is to femmefatale, you obviously know the person your calling
a juvenile mod pretender. Well news for ye, i know him and i know who you are bitch and i dont think its very nice to slag someone behind there back. f**kin coward..
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/20/2003 12:55 PM |
Duncan - Redrum and FemeFatale are talking about the bass player from Interpol - so unless you know him personally I think you have your wires crossed?