babayaka New Member Posts:33  
9/24/2002 5:12 PM |
Will Yer man from JJ72's balls drop at anytime soon his voice is too high for his age?
Concerned fan.
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
9/24/2002 5:18 PM |
Maybe you could assist him with the task?
Cast the pearls a simple life
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
9/24/2002 5:29 PM |
whats the craic whith them they are absaloute cak i can see see them gettin dropped soon god they are awful .....
9/24/2002 5:49 PM |
Nice one space cheeks, JJ72 are not half as good as they think they are. And before anyone disses me about slagging off an Irish band, remember that being Irish doesn't necessarily make you a good band.
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
9/24/2002 7:30 PM |
here here Q2 well said!
his voice it could break glass its terrible noise pollution
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
9/25/2002 9:27 AM |
As long as they sell records, which I think they do, Lakota won't drop them.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
9/25/2002 9:29 AM |
His voice is almost as irritating as that testicular strangulation peddled by those pub rock plodders, The Stereophonics.
babayaka New Member Posts:33  
9/25/2002 12:50 PM |
Well I suppose their europes answer to hanson?
enuff!!I'm suttin up!!
9/25/2002 9:34 PM |
Have any of you ever heard the story about the bust-up between that guy from JJ72 and REM's Michael Stipe a couple of years ago? (Or does anyone want to know?)
babayaka New Member Posts:33  
9/26/2002 12:58 PM |
please tell!!
9/26/2002 1:29 PM |
Alright Bab, this could be media hype/bullshit but this is what I read. 2 years ago, there was some rock get-together in the States and Stipe and the JJ72 guy were among the attendants. Allegedly, the JJ72 guy was bulling on at Stipe with remarks like "Oh well, there's only 2 good bands in Ireland at the moment; U2 and us", something like that. Stipe who reportedly was already in a bad mood, took severe offence to this 'cos he's a fan of several Irish artists like Sinead O Connor, Paddy Casey, Divine Cimedy, Sharon Shannon etc etc as well as U2. So he basically told the JJ72 guy to fuck off. A couple of days later, Stipe posted an official apology on some website (probably JJ72's) for reacting so badly. And this JJ72 guy apparently told him to shove it.
So it's probably fair to say that JJ72 will never be supporting REM after that. But hey, that's a good thing, JJ72's uncrafted music will never even cast a shadow on a legendary band like REM.
So there you have it. Any opinions or corrections on this story folks?
Peace and love to you all
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
9/30/2002 7:32 PM |
i hadn't heard that story before but it seems plausable.that guy is a pretentious twat and now that i think of it,he was wrongly overlooked by us on that "biggest knob in irish music" thread.see that recent hotpress cover interview for proof. or in fact any interview i have ever seen or read.KNOBBY MCKNOBHEAD! AAARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHH!
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
10/3/2002 12:06 PM |
didn't include mr JJ72 in the top five cos he's a irrelevant bit of encrusted semen on the phlange of the prostitute of life ( an metaphor as wanky and as meaningless as any of his lyrics) and anyway only Hotpress take them serious
'and jesus did feed the fecophiliacs loaves and fish, more specifically pinched loaves and chocolate salmon'
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
10/6/2002 3:25 AM |
heh heh............."phlange".